Cody X reader - Birthday

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This ones dedicated to lunaristired and CONNORsmith6502
Love ya guys
And love you cody, happy belated birthday ;) ~ Sabrinna

It was Cody's birthday, and seemingly everyone forgot. His parent's, his peers, his friends.
He wasn't too affected by it, he was used to the neglect. But it still hurt a little bit, he had to admit.
Still, he faked a smile and went to school. Nobody said anything about his special day, and Cody didn't bother to bring it up.
He went home feeling rejected. Another forgotten year. When asked how old he was he would say 17, and then he'd get the same "Oh man, when did that happen?" To which he'd reply with a date and get met with either a belated, forced happy birthday. Or, he'd get a "huh" and a shrug. Routine. He dragged his bag up to his bedroom and tossed it on his bed. He pulled out his phone as he sat at his desk, pulling up his contact list and clicking on (Y/n).
(Y/n) was Cody's best friend, had been since elements school. They didn't care that Cody was small and kind of a nerd, and he didn't care that They were seemingly the opposite, tall and popular. When middle school hit, they were torn from eachother. Forced to go to different schools. But that never stopped them, they'd spend weekends together, ride their bikes across the city after school and text during classes. They were unseparable, even now in highschool.
Cody hadn't gotten a single message form (y/n) that day. They'd never forgotten his birthday before, not once. Even when his own parent's didn't remember, (y/n) always did.
Codster: Hey
Read by (n/n) at 3:45
Cody sighed. "Todays the worst..." he mumbled. He leaned back in his chair and stared at the screen, waiting for a response. The screen went dim and clicked off. His doorbell went off and he stood reluctantly, stomping down the stairs. He opened the door to see, the one and only, (y/n) (l/n), with a toothy grin on their face. "Happy birthday Cody!" They said, grinning. Cody beamed and immediately pulled them into a hug. "Woah there, don't knock me over!" They said, hugging back. "I thought you forgot..." he mumbled into their shoulder. (Y/n) gasped and pulled away. "How could I have forgotten my bestfriends birthday?" They said. "I just wanted you to get your gift today!".
"My gift?" Cody asked. (Y/n) nodded. "Let's get inside first." Cody said, moving out of the door way and letting (y/n) inside. They walked right into the living room and plopped down on the couch. It was like home to them. Cody sat next to them, criss cross, looking up at them with puppy dog eyes. "You want your gift?" They asked, sliding their backpack off. Cody nodded excitedly. (Y/n) slid out a small party bag and handed it too him. He grabbed it from their hands and ripped it open, smiling ear to ear. "There's so much licorice!" He cheered. (Y/n) smiled. "Duh, it's your favourite. Keep digging!"
Cody did as told and dug through the candy bags and boxes, reaching the bottom and finding a card. He opened it carefully and studied the writing inside.
"Happy Birthday Codster! Hope you got all your wishes.

From, you're favourite gal/guy, (y/n) </3"

"Awe, (y/n), this is so sweet!" He said. "I'm glad you like it, I know it's not much."
"Not much? This is more than enough. Thank you." Cody said, pulling them in to another hug. (Y/n) giggled and hugged back gently. "Now, I know we don't have a cake or anything, but pull out a licorice and make a wish!"
Cody pulled out a piece of the candy and looked at it. "How?" He asked. "Just bite into it and make a wish, be creative." (Y/n) said. Cody took a bite off of the gummie string and closed his eyes. He chewed and made up a wish in his head. "What'd you wish for?" (Y/n) asked. Cody shrugged. "A girlfriend/boyfriend." He said, shooting a smirk in their direction. (Y/n) smirked in return.
"I can make that happen."
Cody blushed and nearly choked on his licorice. "W-what?" He asked, his face turning red. (Y/n) laughed. "You heard me." They replied. Cody smiled awkwardly. "I-is that a real offer?" He asked. "It is if you want it to be." They shot a wink at the short boy across the couch. "Oh uh, yeah, that'd be, uh, great-" he said. (Y/n) chuckled at the flustered boy and leaned across the couch and placed a small kiss on his cheek. "Then your wish is my command," they said. "Happy Birthday, Cody."

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