Chapter Nine

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With breakfast complete, all of the Raizada men headed out to work.

It should be noted that ever since Arnav had decided to get married to Khushi, Abhay Singh Raizada had felt like he had become the outcast. It made absolutely no sense to him how his younger brother could just so easily agree to marry a girl, that too to someone he thought that looked like an odd, unknown creature. The sight of her scars were horrendous to him, and to see the way his family - especially his father - treated her so nicely, made absolutely no sense to him. How could they not feel repulsed by her sight? How could they simply tolerate and look right at her face with those hideous scars?

He simply did not understand - not that he cared anymore.

While the men worked away at the office, Khushi learned the ropes of her new home. She spent the day with Mona, learning the ways of the house and learning a bit more of her new family, as well as new information.

"We don't really speak much about mumma."

"Why not," Khushi asked.

"Because it's still painful. They were all still quite young when mumma passed. Since our families were close friends, I was there during her funeral. Adi and Abhay, they tried to be strong and did well on it. But poor Arnav... he was hurt the most."

And for a brief moment, Khushi wished she could have held the young version of her husband - no child deserved to experience the pain of losing their parent.

"It broke everyone's heart, seeing him crying and holding onto mumma's photo. Papa didn't know what to do, how to make him feel better. Then papa fell sick from all of the stress, and it did something to Arnav. He no longer spent his days crying and stayed by Papa's side."

Khushi noticed a family photo on the wall and looked at the man who was her husband.

Mona looked at it as well. "When I think of it now, I think he did that because he was worried. He had just lost one parent, he didn't want to lose the other. And since then, Arnav has stood by Papa's side, always there for him."

Mona turned to Khushi and Khushi looked at her.

"He has a big heart Khushi. Even if he doesn't always show it, he does. He loves, and he loves deeply. Papa, this family - it means everything to him." She caressed her cheek. "And I know that in time, his heart will extend out to you as well."

Khushi looked down as Mona gave her a smile before leaving her.

Even if he is such a kind-hearted man... do I even want to give him my heart?


It had been more than a month since Khushi had married Arnav. And in that time, things had changed. Khushi now felt more comfortable in her new home, though she still missed her parents and would talk to them every now and then. But she now embraced her new family, claiming them as her own. Her and Mona had established a wonderful relationship, her bhabi now also her dearest friend. Aditya had become the brother she never had and Abhay... well they avoided each other. Not that Abhay was around much, so it made it easier for Khushi.

As for her relationship with Arnav? Well, it was odd. Their first night together wasn't the only night that they had found themselves entangled to the other in the morning. It happened several times - in fact, almost every night! And every one of those mornings, the two found each other with the same thought.


Why indeed? Khushi didn't know him all-to-well, even though she had been told all about her husband. However, it was never from him, so could she really claim to know him from the facts her in-laws had told her?

And Arnav? Well, he did feel bad that most of his time went to work. With the Thailand project, he found himself too busy with work and busy helping his father. His father saw it too, and he had told his son to take a break and go away on their long-delayed honeymoon. But Arnav refused and continued to help his father. But the way Sameer saw it, his son was working too hard, so he forced his son to take a day off - his first proper, official day off since marrying Khushi.

It's safe to say that when the other Raizada men went to work this morning and Mona had gone out to do some shopping, both Arnav and Khushi were slightly on their nerves. This was the first time since their little encounter at the hospital months ago, that they were alone. The only difference now was that they had the whole house to themselves.

Khushi tried hard not to think too much on it... which only lasted for a good minute.

This feels so odd, she thought to herself as she busied herself in the kitchen. Is it odd that we spoke more words to each other before we got married? When we didn't even know each other? Then again, do we even know each other now?

Lunch was ready so Khushi brought food out to the dining room. Arnav came down not long later with a package in his hands. Khushi was curious as to what it was, but didn't say anything. He simply set the package on the seat next to his and ate. Both ate mostly in silence, unless they needed to ask the other to pass something.

"Um," Khushi began, feeling slightly odd, "would you like kheer for dessert or jalebis?"

Arnav looked at her and then back down at his food. "Whatever you want."

Khushi's eyes slightly widened at his choice of words. Whatever I want? "You don't have a preference?"

Arnav shrugged. "Not really. Besides, I won't be able to eat it."

"Why not? It'll be sugar-free."

Arnav's eyes met hers. She knows? How?

"I'll just make two separate dishes or batches, depending on which dessert you choose - one sugar-free and the other normal."

"How did you...?"

"Bhabi told me," and for some unknown reason, Khushi blushed.

Not that it wasn't missed by Arnav. In fact, he found the shade of red on her cheeks to be rather cute.

Clearing his throat a bit, Arnav picked up the package besides him. "Um... this is actually for you."

Khushi's eyebrows met in the middle. "For me?"

"Yeah. Um... I didn't know how to give it to you, this probably isn't the proper way to give a present but..." and he handed the package over to her.

Khushi took it, her confusion clear on her face.

"I hope you like it. And um, I'll be upstairs," and he got up, taking his empty plate with him to the kitchen.

Khushi watched him leave before turning her attention back on the package. I wonder....


Once Khushi had cleaned up, she picked up the present Arnav had given her. She took it upstairs with her to their bedroom and sat down on the bed. At first she hesitated to open it - she simply didn't understand why Arnav had given her a present. But once she took a deep breath and halted her racing mind, she opened it.

From within, she retrieved a beautiful yellow sari. The sight of it had Khushi smiling - it was stunning! Unfolding it, she admired the bead-work, the silver brightening the sari even more.

It's beautiful! I can't believe he got me a sari in my favorite color! But how did he know? Does he even know?

Khushi held the sari to her for a moment. She thought back to lunch, only realizing now how nervous Arnav seemed when giving her this present.

But why? Did he think I wasn't going to like it?

She looked at it and ran her hand over it.

Well he thought wrong, she smiled.

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