Chapter Twenty Nine

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When Arnav came back into the room, changed and ready for bed, he found that Khushi was already asleep. He had wanted to talk to her about what had happened earlier, but a business email had distracted him, and now the chance was lost.

He slipped into bed beside her and looked at her as she rested her cheek in her hand, breathing softly. Unable to help himself, Arnav reached out and caressed her cheek, brushing aside her hair. His thumb traced over her cheek, tracing her scar. He didn't exactly know why, but every time he did this, he just couldn't help but to trace his thumb along her scar. It was a habit of some sort, or something - he just couldn't explain it. While the sight of it did pain him, reminding him of the horrors she had gone through, it also gave him a small sense of pride, reminding him that even though his Khushi had gone through such hardships, she had still made it through and will continue to do so.

But after what I just saw....

Arnav remembered Khushi's actions in the restaurant, the elevator, as well as earlier before the mirror.

Is she bothered by her scars?

Khushi let out a small groan, snapping Arnav out of his thoughts. She then let out a small sigh and snuggled into him, making Arnav smile lightly. He placed a kiss on her head and wrapped his arm around her, and slowly fell asleep.


The following morning, both awoke and quickly got ready to start their day. As they were getting ready, Arnav felt tempted to ask Khushi about what had happened last night, but given that he could see her excitement, he didn't want to ruin it. But he did intend on speaking to her on the matter later.

Arriving to the Notre Dame Cathedral, Khushi gazed up at the large structure in amazement. So much history surrounded it, and Khushi couldn't help but to wonder what must it be like to remain for so many years and see the world change around you. Entering the Cathedral, Khushi gaped up at the high ceilings. Chandeliers hung from here and there, light pouring from the glass-stained windows. They walked around, looking at the various paintings and statues within.

"This place is amazing," Khushi said in wonder, gazing around.

"The fact that its been around for 800 or so years... amazing."

Khushi looked up at Arnav and he softly smiled down at her. They continued to walk around, their hands linking together as they explored the Cathedral.

"I feel so at peace here," Khushi sighed, shutting her eyes for a brief moment.

Arnav glanced down at her and couldn't help but to think of the night before. Once again, he was tempted to ask her about it, but given that she was happy, he didn't want to ruin it.

After spending the day away exploring the ancient cathedral, the couple got lunch, got a few souvenirs and presents for everyone back home, and then went back to their hotel. They rested for a while, planning to walk over to the Eiffel Tower later and see it in its beautiful lights up close.

Khushi was putting away some of their things when Arnav's phone began to ring. She went over to see who it was, as Arnav was in the bathroom, and saw that Sheetal was calling. At the sight of her name and seeing a childhood photo of her on the screen, Khushi felt her heart constrict.

"Who is it?"

Khushi turned around to see Arnav reentering the room. He went over to his phone and picked it up, taking the call.

"Sheetal, what's up?"

Khushi couldn't hear what Sheetal was saying, not that she even wanted to. Instead, she left to the other room and let Arnav continue on with his conversation. She buried herself into the corner of the couch and turned on the TV, distracting herself. Several moments later, Arnav joined her, his conversation over.

"Looks like Sheetal is still jetlagged," he said as went over to her and sat down beside her. "But it looks like our plans are gonna have to change a little."

Khushi looked up him in confusion.

"Remember how I mentioned there was a conference here? Well it turns out Dad wanting me to stay out of the loop isn't going to happen."

"What do you mean?"

"One of our clients will attending the conference, and he is rather difficult. There's something that needs to be settled with him, but he refuses to speak to anyone other than someone from the family. And given that Sheetal is attending the conference, he won't even give her the time of day, which means..."

Khushi immediately understood.

"...we have to go."

Wait, what? We?!

Khushi's eyes widened slightly. "We?"

"Well yeah, you'd be going with me," he said with a small frown, his head tilted.

Khushi looked away, but Arnav kept his eyes on her. He watched as she felt conflicted, her eyes darting from side to side. It hecame evident to Arnav that she was conflicted.


Arnav reached out and placed his hand on her knee, Khushi looking down at it before meeting his eyes.

"Talk to me," he said softly.

Khushi's lips parted, but she couldn't find the words to say. There were several things on her mind, but she knew she couldn't just say it to him. Yet even though she was quiet, Arnav waited, and she could see that he truly cared.

I can't get out of this.

"I... um...."

Arnav continued to look at her, waiting for her to continue. Khushi knew that she would have to say something, but she wouldn't tell him her biggest concern.

"I... I mean me being at something like that, I just... I don't," and Khushi looked away.

"Hey, look at me."

He gently caressed her cheek and had her look at him. Khushi looked up into his eyes, while Arnav looked at the scar on her cheek, his thumb tracing it.

"Khushi, you have nothing to worry about. It's just an event with a bunch of suits too busy showing off their money and doing business. Sheetal will still be going on behalf of the company, but we'll just go for a little bit so I can deal with the client. And then just like that, we'll leave, and I promise, no more work stuff, just our honeymoon."

Khushi glanced away and went into thought.

Only for a little bit... an event... I wonder....

Khushi turned her attention back to Arnav. "Fine, but on one condition."

"Anything, name it."

"We have to go shopping first."

"Not a problem at all," Arnav smiled. "Now then, shall we go on over and check out the Eiffel Tower?"

Khushi nodded and with that, the couple freshened up a bit and headed out for a walk, going on over to the site. They enjoyed the rest of their evening there, although No matter how hard she tried, Khushi could not stop thinking about the conference.

Hopefully this will work.

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