That's It (Kylo X You)

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A story from kylo-glen ♥️don't know why I'm into this 😂

Kylo Ren’s interest in you was vastly different from Hux’s. Where Hux took interest in your work skills, Kylo was more curious as to what your other skills were.

You weren’t surprised when Kylo whisked you away from the command center. What you were surprised about was the room he took you to. “Um, Kylo? What the fuck is that?” You questioned, pointing to the disfigured mask on the table.

Kylo didn’t answer. He simply took his helmet off, letting it fall to the floor. “Take your clothes off.”
“I’m not-”
“Take. Your. Clothes. Off. I won’t tell you again.” His expression did not change one bit, stoic as ever.

With a sigh, you obliged. Slowly, you peeled off your uniform top first, followed by your boots and pants. You pulled your socks off, but paused when you reached your bra. Your eyes connected with the mask for a split second and you lost it. “Ren, that mask is really freaking me out.”

His face unchanging as he stalked toward you, a gloved hand knotting itself in your hair. You let out a yelp as he yanked on it, using his body to push you against something. Your hands reached behind you, landing in something powdery.


“Does it look like I give a shit, (Y/N)?”

You gently shook your head, only for Kylo to pull harder. “Answer me when I ask you a question.” He spoke through gritted teeth.

“N-no, it doesn’t look like you give a shit,” you whimpered, squirming underneath the weight of his body.

“N-no,” he mocked you, “that’s what I fucking thought.” And with that, his other hand gripped your throat, the one in your hair moving down to your breast. He used both hands to push you onto your back.

You hissed as your shoulders connected with metal, your back bent at an odd angle. Luckily your back pain was alleviated when Kylo grabbed your ankles and placed them on his shoulders.

He said nothing as he literally ripped your panties from your body, tossing the shredded fabric to the side. Soon your bra followed, a whine coming from you as he exposed your breasts. His leather-clad hands snaked their way from your chest, down your stomach. They just barely brush over your pussy before they gripped at your thighs, forcing them open.

“Look at you, legs spread. Laying on the ashes of my enemies, displayed for me.”
Your eyes widened. That’s what you were laying on? “Kyl-” you were cut off by Kylo’s left hand gripping your face, no gentleness whatsoever.

“Try again, slut.”

“Kylo, please,” You whined, only to be interrupted once again.

The hand gripping your chin drew back, only to meet your face again in a harsh slap. Leather meeting flesh, your head snapping to the side. “I thought you knew better.” His voice was even as he stroked where he just slapped you, before doing it again.


“Good girl.” He interrupted with praise, the other hand that gripped your thigh slipping higher, his thumb barely pressing into your folds, brushing against your clit.

All hesitance towards him fucking you on the burned remains of his enemies dissipated at that action. You released a shaky breath, hips bucking ever so slightly into his hand.

“Oh, did you like that?” A smirk pulled at his lips as he brushed his thumb over your clit once again.

“Yes, Commander.” You breathed, hoping that would earn you something.

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