On Display (Kylo X You)

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By fuckingkyloren (really love her 😂)

For all intents and purposes, there was no official rule or sanction against your particular relationship. It was against regulations to have any sort of unprofessional relationship with your superior officers- or, really to have any sort of sexual relationship with any of your coworkers, above or below you. But he held no rank within the Order, and even if he did there wasn't anyone who would dare to tell him "no".

He'd sent you a message- unsigned, from an unregistered 'pad. That was unexpected. Most of the time he just showed up at your quarters, or grabbed your arm in the hallway- dragging you off to the first deserted conference room where he could lay you out on the table and have his way with you.

This, however, was strange. It was an observation deck, overlooking the starboard hangar bay. Below you, people in uniforms buzzed around on the well-polished floor, bordered by rows of TIE Fighters. White-armored Stormtroopers running drills, glossy black pilots checking their ships.

The door hissed, lifting to allow your Commander entry. You stood at attention, hands behind your back, facing away from the viewport. He moved towards you, faceless mask holding your attention as he neared. He raised a hand, pressed it to the center of your chest and guided you back- walked you blindly backwards until your skin touched cold transparisteel.

His gloved hand raised, at first seeming to tenderly cup your jaw- his thumb caught your lower lip, dragging it down- forcing your mouth open. His hand moved up- his thumb pressing in your tongue, the taste of oiled leather flooding your mouth- your lip caught between glove and teeth.

The altered tones of his mask's vocorder made you shiver. "Have you been waiting long, pet?"

You couldn't shake your head against his hand- your speech garbled against his thumb, "Nuh suh,"

"Good." His free hand raised, cupping your breasts through your uniform, pinching at your nipple. The hand at your mouth began to stroke your tongue with his thumb, the motion making you gag and jerk against his hand- the other began undoing the clasps to your uniform's top, revealing warm skin to the cool air of the Finalizer, the rest of your shirt hanging loosely off your shoulders.

He appreciated the view for a moment, letting his hand trail over your chest lightly- tracing the edge of your bra. The hand on your face moved- grabbing your shoulder and spinning you- your cheek pressed against the viewport. Your body arched away from the shock, only to have Kylo's hand pressed against the back of your skull- holding your face in still while the other grabbed at your hips.

He pressed up against you- his hard cock plainly obvious through the layers of clothing separating you. You tried to watch his reflection in the transparisteel and- all the troopers and officers moving about the hangar bay. Could they see you up here- with your face pressed to the viewport and Commander Ren's cock pressed against your ass...? "S-sir, there's people-"

His mask's snout pressed near your ear, it vibrated softly with the vocoder's speaker. "I don't care if they're watching. I'm not done with you yet."

You shivered, nodded awkwardly against the transparisteel. "Yes, sir."

The hand on your hip moved to your front, cupping a breast for a moment, smoothing over the curve of your stomach, and descending to rub over your cunt through your clothes. He unclipped your pants and let them fall and pool around your ankles.

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