I blinked rapidly when I opened my eyes because of the bright of the lights. After my eyes adapted with it, I turned my head. I felt someone hold my hand and I found Harry there, sitting on a chair beside my small, comfortable bed.
He sensed my move and rushed over to me. I could smell the strong scent of his Bleu de Chanel. "Do you feel better?" He sounded really worried.
"Where am I?" I rasped, looking around the room.
"Wait," he said, not answering my question.
He ducked out the ward. Not long, he came back with a doctor. She checked me up and asked how I felt. I answered I was fine and she offered to call my parents to pick me up. Then she left.
Harry took my hand and warmth spread over my body. "What happened back there? I was totally worried when I saw you faint. I've never seen you like that before."
"My heart suddenly ached," I smiled weakly, "but it's okay now."
"Are you sure?" He held out a hand and stroked my hair softly.
I blushed as I nodded. "Yes."
He sighed a relief and leaned back on the chair, releasing my hand.
"How did I get here?" I asked curiously.
Harry cleared his throat. "Well, I carried you here."
I gasped. "You did?"
He nodded.
I looked away as I imagined Harry carrying me gently with that concerned look along the corridor, laid me down on this bed carefully, and sat beside me while holding my hand tightly. I blushed deeper and smiled smugly when I pictured all those girls' faces that could only look in jealousy at how he treated me like a princess. But then, his blond-haired girlfriend's face popped up.
My smile disappeared. "Your girlfriend must be angry with you." I bit my lip. Don't ever cry in front of him again.
"I'll talk to her later," he said after a long pause.
"Just don't," he cut me off, "talk about her, okay? It's just you and me now." He looked a bit annoyed.
I couldn't stand when I saw a pleading stare in his green eyes. It was so adorable. "Okay," I agreed.
For a moment, the quietness reigned between us. I just pretended to be busy with my bracelet while Harry looked out of the window. I glanced at him and I saw a guilty expression on his face. His girlfriend.
"You can leave now if you want," I mumbled, holding back my tears.
For a moment, he just stared at me. "No. I won't leave you."
"But I know you're thinking of your girlfriend. I know-"
"I'm not."
"Don't lie."
"I am not, okay!?" he snapped. "Please don't start."
"I just don't want you to be here halfheartedly!"
His brows furrowed. "Why would you say that? I do want to be here."
"No, you don't. I know you'd rather have fun with your friends and girlfriend than take care of the sick me," I cried.
He shook his head in disbelief. "What are you talking about?"
"You know exactly what I'm talking about." I turned my head.
"Can you please just stop talking about my friends? Or how I've changed?" He stood up in anger. "The one who's changed is you."
I looked back at him. "Me?"
"Yes. You become angry easily now. You've never been like this before. We never had a fight like this." His voice pained. "What's wrong with you?"
"It's because you don't care about me anymore! You wouldn't even care if I died tomorrow," I sobbed.
"What do you mean? Of course I would." His voice softened. He leaned down on my bed and I could see his eyes with my teary eyes. "That's why I carried you here."
I sniffled but kept quiet. I really wanted to hug him, but I just couldn't. Then he wiped my tears away and kissed my forehead. I blushed.
"Look, I'm really sorry about last week," he murmured blandly. "I'm sorry I was being harsh to you. And I want you to know that I hate having a fight with you."
I was still silent. I didn't know what to say or what to do. All I could do was crying while looking into his eyes. His eyes made me want to forgive him so easily.
"I have no idea what makes you think I wouldn't care if you died tomorrow." He rubbed my hair so lovingly. "I mean, I do care about you. I don't wanna lose you."
I froze and stopped crying.
"Please forgive me," he continued. "I'd do anything to make you forgive me, even if you asked me to give you the moon."
"You would?" I asked chokingly, narrowing my eyes.
Harry nodded emphatically. "Please give me your forgiveness."
I gradually smiled. "I forgive you."
A smile bloomed across his lips and a thankful look painted on his beautiful face.
"Oh and... um, well, I- I'd... I'd like to... go out with you this Saturday," I said sheepishly. "Like... a date."
"A date?" He straightened his body.
"Well, we don't have to assume it as a date though. I just miss spending time with you," I conceded.
"Okay, but I can't give you my words," he said after a while.
I gave him an exasperated look. "Why not?"
"I don't wanna take a risk if you're not feeling well on that day."
"I'll be very well," I said gleefully.
He flashed me an irresistible smile and I couldn't help but smile back at him. In my case, I'd do anything to see that smile every day. I'd stop thinking of how he had changed. He actually hadn't. It was probably just jealousy that had blinded my mind.
(to be continued)

It's Always Been You [h.s.]
FanfictionBe brave to confess your feelings to the one you love before everything is too late.