Sarah watched the sun set behind the buildings that evening, and then she wondered what she should do for the rest of the night. Normally at nights, she would drive along highways at night, but this was a big city. She felt she ought to stay in and try to relax. Maybe tomorrow she could drive around a bit and see what was nearby.
But then she remembered she couldn't if it was going to be a sunny day. She didn't want anyone to see her in the sun. It was basically against vampire law, too, and she had heard stories about what happened to vampires who broke any laws.
Putting that out of her mind, she turned her thoughts to her new neighbors across the hall, mainly Esme. Esme was beautiful. No, beautiful didn't even cover it. She seemed so kind and sweet, but also had seemed like something was worrying her. She must have been worried about family members or friends. She and Carlisle both looked far too young to have any grown children.
And then something hit Sarah. Esme and Carlisle both had very pale skin, didn't they? They were both young and attractive-looking, and they had the same golden eyes. She had met other nomad vampires before, and someone (she couldn't remember who) told her that were vampires in existence who only drank animal blood, so their eyes were golden instead of red.
Her new neighbors were fellow vampires.
That would actually be nice, she realized. It had been a while since the last time she'd met any other vampires, and it would be nice to have two friendly ones living right across the hall.
Sarah took out her makeup mirror and looked at herself for a few minutes. She herself wore a pair of colored contacts to make her eyes look blue instead of red; she knew well enough to keep that hidden, especially when she was spending time close to humans. You can't exactly blend in when you have red eyes. But golden eyes are a little less suspicious, a little less out of place. Esme and Carlisle were apparently not trying to hide them. Still, if Sarah were have golden eyes, she would have to give up feeding off humans, and that wasn't something she thought she could get away from.
Sarah sat around the apartment thinking until she began to see the sky lighten outside the windows. It looked as if it would be a sunny day, which wasn't good for her. because it meant she would have to stay indoors all day. But she made it through her first night in the city. Tonight she would have to go out and feed. It wasn't something she was exactly looking forward to, but it had to be done.
Once again, her thoughts turned back to Esme. Did she and Carlisle begin feeding on animals out of guilt over taking human lives? Did they feel guilty about taking animal lives? Well, even if they did, they still had to feed on something. Sarah sometimes did feel guilty about feeding off people, but she learned a long time ago that it was what had to be done to survive, so she always talked herself into okay with it.
Sarah went to her apartment door and peeked out into the hallway. The door to Esme and Carlisle's apartment was closed, and she couldn't hear any noises from inside. Then she closed her own door, wondering what she was even doing. Had being on her own for so long made her not know how to act when she did meet other vampires?
Next she wondered if Esme and Carlisle were married. She hadn't noticed if they were wearing wedding rings, but that didn't mean anything. There seemed to be a certain closeness between them, and it could have been because they were a couple.
Sarah walked over to one of the windows to watch the sunrise. It was going to be a sunny day, and she wished it wasn't. It would have been nice to go out and do something instead of being stuck inside with only herself for company. It was going to be a long day.

Beauties | Esme Cullen
FanfictionSarah Harris has spent a long time on her own. She is a nomad vampire who drifts from place to place, city to city, without making many friends. While taking a trip through California, Sarah meets two other vampires, Carlisle and Esme Cullen. They...