Sarah sat alone under a tree, thinking. She had just gone on a hunt with Carlisle and Esme and wound up staying behind for most of it. It was the first time in her life Sarah killed an animal. She wasn't sure yet how she felt about drinking animal blood. It tasted different from human blood; to her, it wasn't as good. But Esme and Carlisle seemed to have no problem with it, and if other vampires could grow used to it, why couldn't she?
Maybe I'll just stick to the blood bags for a little while longer, Sarah thought. Maybe I can ease my way into animal blood. It can't be that bad once you get used to it. The Cullens seem perfectly fine with it, and they said they know other vampires who only drink animal blood.
At some point, Esme came back and sat down next to Sarah. "Well? How are you feeling?"
Sarah shrugged. "The animal is definitely something I'd have to get used to. If I keep up with the blood bags for now, and maybe just...ease my way into drinking animal blood instead, do you think something like that could work out for me?"
"I couldn't say. You could ask Carlisle, but if you think that's what's going to work for you, I think you should try it. It's a good plan, really."
Sarah nodded. "Thanks. It's a big step from where I started, you know. The man who turned me into a vampire...I used to run with him and his girlfriend. They were...well, not that great."
"Oh. Who was he? Carlisle knows a lot of other vampires. Maybe we've met him."
"His name was James. The girlfriend was Victoria. There was something very wrong with both of them. It's no wonder they wound up together when you think about it. They did have a friend named Laurent; he wasn't so bad, but I eventually left their group and struck out on my own. I haven't seen any of them in years. Do you know them?"
A look of surprise and recognition had flashed across Esme's face while Sarah spoke. She paused a moment longer before saying, "We did know them. I'm sorry, Sarah, but James is dead. It was just earlier this year."
Sarah stared at her for a long moment, opening and closing her mouth like she was trying to think of the right words but couldn't.
"Far as I know, Victoria and Laurent are still alive," Esme added. "I didn't know there was anyone else who was part of their group."
"Well, if he only died recently, then you couldn't have known about me, could you?" Sarah pointed out. "I just...don't know how to feel. He turned me decades ago because he made me want it, and then I just grew disinterested in him. When I told him I was leaving, I don't know how much he cared at that point. Maybe he was glad to get rid of me. I don't know."
"Oh, Sarah." Esme reached over and took her hand. "I'm sorry you had to find out like this. James, he caused a lot of trouble. He tried to kill a very dear friend of ours, and he wouldn't have stopped unless he was killed."
"I know. That's what he was like." Sarah looked down at the hand Esme held. "I've met other vampires since then, ones I like much more than I liked James. Thank you for telling me, Esme. I appreciate you being honest. Excuse me, will you?"
She stood and began to slowly walk back down the path towards the house. Esme silently watched her go. She wanted to follow her, walk beside her, but she felt that Sarah wanted to be alone, and that this was a time where she needed to be alone with her thoughts.

Beauties | Esme Cullen
FanfictionSarah Harris has spent a long time on her own. She is a nomad vampire who drifts from place to place, city to city, without making many friends. While taking a trip through California, Sarah meets two other vampires, Carlisle and Esme Cullen. They...