Chapter Four

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 Sarah didn't know what to do next. It was morning, and at least one of the bodies must have been discovered already. There was nothing to lead the police to her, she was sure, or at least there wouldn't be once she got rid of the bloody clothes. But she may as well have ruined her chances at city life, even if it was only supposed to have been temporary. Now the area would be on alert, and she might get caught the next time she went out to feed. Then what? Kill the police who tried to arrest her and then be in even more trouble? 

 Strangely enough, she felt the best thing to do first would be to pay Esme and Carlisle a visit. If they were vampires, then they would be able to understand her problem, and would most likely suggest she relocate to a completely different part of the country. If they weren't vampires...well, Sarah didn't want to kill them, especially not Esme, but if that was the way things would go, she would have no other choice. 

 Trying not to overthink it, Sarah went across the hall and knocked on the door before she could change her mind. When Carlisle answered the door, she said, "Hello. Um...would it be all right if I came in? I...wanted to ask you about something." 

 Carlisle nodded, his expression serious. "I think you'd better." He stepped aside to let her in. "Don't worry, Sarah, you're in the presence of fellow vampires." 

 "Sarah." Esme was sitting on a cream-colored sofa, her expression worried. "Are you okay?" 

 Sarah shook her head. "I didn't want to do something like this again, but I have. I fed on eight people last night. I murdered them all. I'm sure the bodies will be found soon if they haven't been found already. I...there's something wrong with me." 

 "Come sit down." Esme patted the spot next to her on the sofa. "I think you should tell us about this." 

 "I can get like that," Sarah began. "If I go too long without feeding, I'll go on a binge once I get the chance to feed again. For me, it seems twelve days is too long to go. As soon as I finished with one person, I wanted more. I kept feeding until I'd killed multiple people. I've done it too many times before. I...I was just curious about what it would be like living in a city like Los Angeles. I'll probably have to get out of here now." 

 "Not necessarily. If there isn't anything to tie you to the murders, no one will come looking for you," Carlisle reasoned. "But you still have to be cautious. Let me get rid of your bloody clothes from last night." 

 Sarah nodded. "I'll go get them." 

 Sarah went back to her apartment and retrieved the bloody shirt and jeans from the bathroom corner. She brought them Carlisle, who said, "I'll make sure these are disposed of, and then you shouldn't have anything to worry about. Did anyone besides me see you?" 

 "I don't think so." 

 "Hmm. All right. You'll just have to careful, Sarah." 

 "Have you considered switching to animal blood?" Esme asked her. "It's possible that drinking animal blood might be better for you than human blood." 

 "Oh. Um...I don't know. I've never thought about that." Which wasn't true. Sarah had thought about it before. But feeding off humans was something that, deep down, she felt she simply couldn't give up, however much she might have wanted to try. 

 "Well, if you ever want to try it, Carlisle and I might be able to help you," Esme replied. "Carlisle is brilliant when it comes to self-control. Maybe think about it?" 

 Sarah nodded. "Yeah. Thank you, both of you. I'm glad I came over." 

 Esme smiled. "You're welcome to come over again soon." 

 Once again, Sarah went back to her own apartment, but now she felt a little better. Talking to Esme and Carlisle about her problems felt as if it had really helped her. And they weren't judgmental at all; in fact, they were helpful. 

 Maybe Sarah would give the idea of switching to animal blood a little more thought.

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