New friendships

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"Y/n!" your dad says

"yes Father?"

"come down here and meet the guys"

"i'm going"

"Hi i'm Chase"The boy with the most beautiful blue eyes says.

"Whats up i'm Payton"HIS DIMPLES OMG!!

"I'm Dylan"

"I'm Sam"

"I'm Drayke"

"and I'm Anthony or Ant whatever you wanna call me"

"Hi nice to meet all of you I am Y/n"

"SO are you gonna hangout with us at Playlist this weekend?Cause i hope so" says Chase 

"actually-"I start saying.

"Yes,yes she is"my dad says.

"but dad you know i don't like being in big groups of people!"

"Yes honey I get that but David will be with you the whole time and this is a very good opportunity to get to know the guys very well and maybe fall in love with one of them."he says.

"ewe dad no number 1.)I like don't know any of these guys like that,and number 2.)they are all famous guys that would probably end up breaking my heart any ways.No offense.And then your gonna have to hear me cry and hear the whole "why did i fall for him""i wish i never met him."Run down and do you want that?No."

"Well we are not like all "famous"boys"says Drayke

"Yeah we are actually very nice and caring"says chase with a smirk.

"See Chase only F-boys smirk so do you really think im gonna fall for that."

"OOOO"all the other guys say.

"Anyways I am going to leave you guys here so you can get to know each other more so.........Have Fun!"says your dad as he runs out the door.

"Soo"I say very awkwardly.

We all sit in a circle on the floor and talk for a couple hours.I guess they all got famous off Tik Tok. Which i made fun of them for of course lol. I guess Dylan sings,Chase is a very good dancer,Sam is funny as hell,Payton can drive,Drayke really likes xxxtentaction,and Anthony well he's just Anthony.

"So what about you you know a lot about so now tell us stuff about you"says Sam 

They all look at me 

"well um, Let's see. I was adopted by Trent when I was 11 and I guess that's why I am the way I am.I don't really like to be around a lot of people and it's very hard for me to fall in love let alone trust somebody. David (who is Trent's/y/n's body guard) is like a second Dad to me which is why I literally tell him everything.I don't want you guys to think i'm a sad little girl that wants everyone's attention cause I don't.But yeah since Trent has had me I am really loving my life for now  lol>Anyways how old are u guys?

"I'm 16"says Chase

"I'm 17"says Anthony 

"I'm 15"says Payton 

"I'm 14"says Dylan 

"I'm 16"says Drayke 

"and I'm 15"says Sam 

"How about you?"says Dylan.

"I'm 14"I say 

"well I guess I can't date you"says Anthony "Just look at me as an older brother"

I Laugh a little.

"well I can date you"says Chase 

"so can we"says Drayke.

"woah,woah,woah who said I would even date any of you.Only F-boys think a girl wants them just by knowing them for like 3 hours."

We all start laughing.

"well I guess I should go and get myself situated.Let me now if u need anything."

they all say ok and i go upstairs.


Let me know how anybody is liking the story so far.I need feedback

also follow my ig @iitsluvhuddyaf<3

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