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Kind of a prologue to Late, was briefly mentioned as Deadpool crashed a tour Peter was leading- so here it is.

It was summer which meant that Peter had more free time than he knew what to do with. At first he spent the majority of the time patrolling as Spider-Man, but soon found himself dying of boredom due to literally nothing excitingly horrible happening. Don't get him wrong, in no way shape or form did Peter want anyone to get hurt, but being a hero and not having a villain makes things a little boring.

His boredom soon died off though when Mr Stark offered him a real position at the tower, his reasoning was something along the lines of 'You get to not be bored and exercise that genius IQ of yours, and I could use a personal intern to do shit I don't want to.'

The very next day that Mr Stark offered him a position, Peter was at the tower scanning a badge to meet his mentor for work. When he first showed up he got a few odd looks from workers, they had never seen someone so young walk the halls of Stark Tower. Peter even got stopped by security on his way to the elevators, they had almost escorted him out under the pretense that he had somehow hacked into the system or stolen a badge to get into the tower. Thankfully Happy had showed up and rescued him from having to make an extremely embarrassing phone call to Mr Stark about how on the first day of the job he got kicked out.

Fast forward a few weeks and Peter was well known throughout the whole tower. Working the job as Tony Stark's intern never failed to keep him entertained, and even got him the chance to travel to all 100 floors due to doing random errands for Mr Stark.

One warm August day, Tony had fallen sick with the flu, after announcing, 'it's not even flu season- why the fuck am I sick?' to Peter and Pepper, he was ushered off into his bedroom to sleep off the bug. Pepper soon came up to Peter and gave him a small smile, "Sorry to do this Peter, but can you lead a tour of investors later today? Tony was supposed to do it, but well, he's sick. And I can't jump in because I have a meeting with the United Nations about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and I have to somehow convince them to write in Asgardians and other alien lifeforms before the Guardians of the Galaxy come to visit; and I even need to alter the Accords so they're less restrictive for the Guardians, I can't see that they'll be too fond of being tracked."

Having lead a few other tours for various groups of people, Peter was no stranger to the tower and all it's facts he needed to inform the tourees of. With a warm smile, Peter chirped, "Of course Pepper! Just the usual tour route then?"

Pepper have him a relieved grin and nodded, she soon had to run back to the office for her meeting with the UN. Peter ran to the little room he had adopted as his own in the penthouse and freshened up for the important investors. They were likely to already question his age and position, he didn't want to give the vultures of businessmen anything more to prey on.

When time came for the tour, Peter was ready. He went down to the main entrance and met with the three middle aged men in suits whom he was guiding around the tower for the next few hours. "Hi, I'm Peter your tour guide that will be with you three today! Sorry Mr Stark couldn't lead this today, he woke up feeling under the weather."

The three eyed Peter with haughty disdain at being lead by a child, before gesturing for him to start the tour. Throughout the whole thing, Peter spouted facts on facts about the tower and why it was an excellent idea to put money into the company.

Bringing in investors was the biggest way that Tony now made money, he was a billionaire, but the rich don't stay rich for long unless they keep making money. Plus, every exclusive investor that was brought into Stark Industries was one less in the nonrenewable industry.

Peter was nailing the tour, and the three men were looking at him with more respect every floor they went on. By the end of the tour, Peter thought they might actually start to not hate him.

But, that all ended when Deadpool showed up.

Deadpool, or Wade Wilson as he is known at school, was one of his close friends. Closer even through being comrades while out fighting crime as Deadpool and Spider-Man.

But, even Peter had to admit that Wade was a little rambunctious and intimidating to new people. Especially stuck up people like the adults who Peter had in front of him.

"Oh, Petey-boy, who are these wonderful specimens?" Wade asked, dressed as Deadpool.

"Some investors looking into the tower- but more importantly, how did you get in? Mr Stark banned you." Peter mumbled to the red spandex clad boy who was just sitting on one of the work desks as he played with a Bunsen burner.

"He did, but I so love a challenge."

Peter let out a small smile, "Well, we can talk later, but I have a tour to lead-"

"Tours? I love tours."

Next thing Peter knew, Deadpool was tagging along for the tour, attracting much unwanted attention to the 5. Wade was wearing blood red spandex for gods sake, everywhere he went he attracted attention, which was usually a good thing (he loved being looked at), but Peter was not very fond of being looked at while he was just Peter.

That and the businessmen were eyeing Wade warily the whole time, stopped asking important questions, and no longer seemed as interested in the tower.

This was a mess.

The last straw for the businessmen and Peter was a new intern running through the hall with a crate of chemicals in her hands, all was going well until she tripped and the items in her arms flew.

Peter jumped and grabbed what he could from the air before he flopped to the ground, face planting onto the hard tiled floor.

"At least the bottles weren't broken," he mumbled to himself. But then he looked over to see Wade, who had acted like a human shield for the now scarred men, bleeding and corroding from the chemicals.

"Something smells like it's burning-" Wade started before looking down, "Oh, that's me."

Hell broke loose, the men ran for the entrance, now entirely done with the tower and doing business with Tony Stark or any of his companies, a group of concerned medics (who were on every floor due to the dangerous work being done) fussing over Wade, and a group of scientists/interns analyzing Wade and the chemicals, more so to see what they do to human flesh instead of seeing if he was okay.

Peter just stood there knowing that Wade would be just fine thanks to his healing abilities. The stress of trying to get the men to like him, as well as from all the attention he was receiving all day got to him, and he just sat on the ground and looked at the ceiling, "I am never leading a tour again."

Needless to say, he never did lead a tour again.

But at least Deadpool was okay- well he was until Tony found out he had somehow gotten into his tower, then he was blasted repeatedly.

Soon Peter's summer was over, and least to say, the last few weeks of summer was far from boring.


Yo I'm back, and my birthday was yesturday so I'm now 16!

Also am going to see Captain Marvel tom so I'm excited to say the least.

Thanks RebMiz-is-a-lie for the prompt!


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