Make up.

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Heidi's POV (2 weeks later on a Friday)

     I can't stand this anymore. The boys will fight. Evan will shut himself out a little more each time. And Jared will start crying on the phone. They need to make up. So I lied to them. Actually I just convinced Jared to get in my car. Then I took him to my house and didn't tell Evan. 

      Jared did not like the idea but walked into the house anyway and sat on the couch angry at me for forcing him to come to my house and talk to Evan. "Evan." I call down the hall. "Get out here. Now." I yell.

     Out walks Evan. "What do you ne- Nope bye." 

     "No. Sit."

Evan's POV

     Why would she do this. What possible reason could she have. Right now I am sitting on my couch next to Jared and I desperately don't want to be.

     "You two have been fighting non-stop." She starts. "I'm tired of it. You both clearly don't like the fact that you're fighting. You don't want to be fighting. And I sure as hell don't want to have you both complaining to me. Jared, you know that this fighting is killing you. Evan, you are shutting yourself out more and more." I blush; embarrassed. "It's so annoying. Make up. I'm tired of you guys arguing. What happened to the both of you being best friends? Why did you suddenly start lying to each other and start drifting apart. I noticed you two started to drift apart after that one day Jared ran out of the house crying and neither of you said a word to me. I doubt to each other either. Maybe you should start there."

     "I don't understand why we have to make up." Jared said standing up. "We are just fine. Nothing happened that day. There is no point in bringing it up." 

     "Sit." My mom said pushing him back down, practically on top of me, to which he quickly scooted over. "You mess of teenage emotions." 

     She continued her rant whilst I tried to remember 'that one day'.  There really only is one day where Jared left the house crying. Sophomore year. We had gotten really close by then and we would walk home together then head to my room and just talk. My mom worked less back then. She didn't have as much school. We were talking and I had gotten tired so I put my head on his shoulder. We talked for a solid minute or two. Flashback~~~~~

     "That was the easiest test I've ever taken." I say laughing a bit. 

     "Hey Evan?" 


     "How many times have you questioned yourself? In any sense."

     "Um I guess I uh sometimes. You have to question yourself sometimes right?"

     "Yeah. I guess. I think I question myself a lot more than I should."

     "What do you mean?" I ask him.

     "I guess I just never know what I'm feeling. Like sometimes I'll look at someone and think things like I wonder what would happen if I threw that person into a flaming pit of glass."

     "Jared! Why would you think that."

    "I don't know." He pauses for a second then looks moves so he's facing me. "But sometimes I'll look at people, mainly boys, which is something I normally wouldn't have thought I would've thought, and think; what if I were to ask that person out? What if I were to date that person? What if I-" And then he stops for a moment. A long moment. And suddenly we're both leaning in. And we kiss. It was very short. Before I had the chance to do, or say, anything he gets up and runs out.

     What. Just. Happened. End of flashback~~~~

     "I have to go. But when I get back I expect you two to have made up. Okay?"

     "Okay." We respond at the same time. 

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