they will carry you.

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Chapter 3

Alex' p.o.v.

When Alex woke up again that day, Sara was already getting dressed, she seemed totally fine.

Alex didn't mind not knowing what happened, she didn't even think about asking her. She knew Sara needed someone and that was all she needed to know. The fact that they hugged wasn't making them friends or anything close to that.

She didn't even ask her about going to the cafeteria together for breakfast, she just laid in bed and waited for Sara to leave the room.

Then she got ready herself and went to the cafeteria to meet with her sister Kara for breakfast like they had decided before leaving home.

"I know we both want to be independent, but we still need to stay in contact, Kara.", Alex would've said.

"But we can't just hang out together all the time. People would think we're glued together or something."

Alex would've felt hurt then, even tho she knew her sister didn't mean it like that.

"But we always did everything together. What if we can't find any friends? Who will I share my funny stories with then? Who will I read my poetry to?", she would've begged.

"We can meet for breakfast or dinner or whatever every day if you want, as long as our timetables fit.", Kara would've said, giving her a warm smile, because she was never fighting with anybody.

And the timetables fit so they were meeting for the first time after they left their parents' car, that day for breakfast. Alex wondered if Kara even remembered they're deal or if she would be coming alone. If she had already made friends, because she was such a nice person to everyone. She always talked to strangers, no shame-feeling.

If she even cared about Alex enough to leave her new awesome friends.

Alex stopped thinking when she saw the blonde haired girl sitting at a big large table completely alone.

"Hey, sis. I thought you wouldn't be alone, because you would've already made about a thousand friends!", Alex said jokingly and fell into the chair next to Kara, giving her a warm hug.

"Do you really think I am that popular?", she laughed and hugged her sister back.

"Not really, I just thought you would've already talked to everyone in every class so that they couldn't get away from you.", Alex joked.

"HAHA Alex, of course!", she said sarcastically and shook her head, so that her blonde curls whipped up and down with every shake. Kara just always looked so happy and positive, maybe just because of her cute blondie look.

"Should I get us something to eat? I'm lowkey starving.", Alex asked her little sister and already jumped up to go to the little buffet.

"yeah, same as always please."

They've always had a little breakfast ritual in their family, while Alex always ate bread with something like marmalade or nutella, while Kara was such a healthy person that always ate muesli with fresh fruits or something like that. So Alex took a muesli bowl with milk and apples, which was the only healthy choice that was available at the spare buffet and for herself she took a white bread and put chocolate cream over it without any butter, Alex hated butter.

When Alex came back to their table, Kara was already talking to a cute looking guy that probably just came across the table when Kara randomly spoke up to him.

Alex sat down on the bench across from Kara and put the food on the table.

"Let me guess, he seemed like he needed someone to talk to?", Alex said when the guy was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2019 ⏰

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