7. Relieving Sexual Frustration

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It was Thursday evening and Hermione was taking Ella swimming for the first time. She had got hold of a pair of muggle rubber armbands and a ring thanks to writing to her mum about the experiment.

She walked out of the bedroom to see Malfoy sitting lazily on the sofa reading 'Fire breathing Goblins and How to befriend them' and rolled her eyes. Ever since he had kissed her and she had kissed him, they had hardly muttered a single word to one another. This suited them both fairly well as neither wanted to talk to the other.

He looked up from his book to see Hermione in a blue swimming costume and swallowed. Suddenly he couldn't read the page in front of him as his mind was more agreeable occupied. He looked back up at her and sighed.

Hermione was putting her hair up in a clip when she noticed Malfoy staring at her body and quickly moved back into the bedroom mumbling 'Pervert' behind her.

'Well, I think you came out in that swimming costume on purpose Granger' He drawled from behind her. She hadn't realised he had followed her to the bedroom and quickly turned round to face him.

'And why would I do that?'

'Trying to seduce me?' He smirked.

'Actually, it was because to get to the Bathroom, I need to go through the living room'

'But I assume your taking Ella swimming, and if you were heading to the bathroom, you would have Ella with you'

'Why are you assuming I'm taking Ella swimming?' She said putting her hands on her hips.

'Because you've put her in a swimming costume' He said glancing toward Ella who was peering up at her parents from her crib with a slightly fascinated gaze on her face.

Hermione moved from foot to foot thinking of a reply while he stood there smirking.

'Well, go away'

'Was that it Granger? Go away? Wow, you're not so good with the insults when you're nervous'

'I'm not nervous!' She said holding her head high.

'Well you should be' He said sitting on his bed, looking up and down at her figure. The swimming costume didn't leave a whole lot to the imagination.

'Stop looking at me like that' She snapped.

'Is it making you nervous?'

'Yes! Now stop it!' She said picking up a sheet and covering herself. Without looking Malfoy in the eye, she picked up Ella and walked out of the room with her head held high.

Hermione swam a few lengths before putting Ella in a ring with a bottom and 2 holes for her legs.

The minute she put her in water she looked as if she was about to cry but it turned into a giggle and Hermione let out a long sigh of relief.

'See, it's not so bad Ella' Hermione said as she pushed Ella slowly around the pool.
'Dadda' Ella suddenly giggled. Hermione rolled her eyes, turned and saw Malfoy crouching on the edge of the bath/pool still fully clothed.

'And why are you here?'

'Came to see how Ella was doing Granger. Don't worry, I haven't come to check you out' He smirked.

Hermione pushed Ella close to the side of the pool, Hermione let go and went to where Malfoy was crouching.

Without saying a word she lifted her body a little way out of the water and put her lips about 2 inches from his and smirked. 'Ready to get wet?' She whispered as she put a hand around his neck and pulled him into the pool with a loud splash.

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