23. Broken hearts

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Lucius smiled wide as his son stood next to him. He knew his son would chose family over some stupid mudblood, he had been raised to believe that blood line and family were the most important thing.

'Well, now we have that out of the way...would you mind removing yourself from my grounds so I can disinfect the house? Oh and take the consequences of a spell gone wrong too' He said coldly, indicating to Ella who still looked completely confused. Where as Hermione was attempting not to cry, her hurt and betrayal shone obviously in her eyes as she shook her head.

Hermione started to turn around to head out of the mansion when she heard a gasp come from Malfoy and a 'how interesting' come from Lucius. She spun round to see what was the matter and found both sets of eyes trained on the space next to her. She looked down expecting Ella but found no one and nothing. She looked around wildly and then at Malfoy who was in a state of shock.

'What just happened?' She asked Malfoy desperately trying to make eye contact.

'She just dissapeared' He said slowly, looking at the empty space beside Hermione. Lucius stood with a curious expression on his face as his eyes narrowed.

'They did the spell' Hermione said softly. 'They didn't wait for our say so and instead they did the spell without us!' She yelled, attempting to prompt a reaction or show of expression from Draco. She was hoping for too much. She saw a flick of surprise upon his face before he returned to his look of boredom.

'I can't say I'm not pleased. Anyway, would you mind leaving the premises now before I have to curse you?' He said looking at the girl who was breaking down in front of him. She collapsed to the floor in tears as the entire situation overcame her, she had lost the one person she thought she loved and now she'd just lost her child. Lucius merely rolled his eyes and let out a bored sigh.

'Don't you dare move boy' Lucius snarled under his breath as he saw Draco make a move to go to Hermione.

Draco looked up at his father and then at the crumpled mess on the carpet that was Hermione. He looked between them before moving out of his fathers reach quickly and bending down to comfort her.

'I'm sorry' he said sadly as he wrapped an arm around her and kissed her gently on the lips. 'I'm so so sorry' He muttered again. Hermione quickly flinched out of his grasp as her crying slowly died down.

'Get away from her, Draco' Lucius said. His expression one of complete disgust at the scene in front of him.

Draco gave a last look at Hermione before standing up and leaving the room abruptly. Hermione stood up shakily, looked at Lucius with a last look of pure hatred and walked slowly out of the mansion and headed back to Hogwarts attempting not to cry again until she got there.


Hermione took a shaky breath in as she packed her trunk with her stuff, she was avoiding the looks from Harry and Ron as they helped her. She had got back to the castle and told them what had happened, Harry, as predicted had been a whole lot more sympathetic than Ron over the situation.

She moved the bed covers aside to find her pyjamas and instead found a Slytherin cloak lying there, she picked it up and threw it across the room angrily before aiming her wand at it and making it burst into flames. Ron and Harry exchanged worried looks before increasing the speed of packing.

She heard a slight noise coming from the living room and looked up at the doorway, expecting Ginny or Claire to appear but instead she got a bigger shock.


'Hermione' he said leaning against the door frame. Both Harry and Ron stood up and reached slowly for their wands.

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