18. Loves bitch

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Hermione woke up to feel the sunrays scatter across her cheek. She smiled as she opened her eyes and sat up, causing the body next to her to move slightly and then go still again. She looked over at the blond, male currently sprawled unceremoniously across most of their bed and sighed to herself as she ran her fingers through her hair.

She heard a creak from her left and whipped her head around to see Ella peering around the door cautiously. Hermione smiled and indicated with her hand to come in quietly. She padded into the room in her pyjamas and jumped on the bed next to her mum.

'Wanna wake up daddy?' Hermione said as Ella nodded her head up and down quickly, making her way over the other side of the bed where Malfoy lay asleep with his mouth open, breathing slowly.

Ella leant over next to his ear, her blonde hair falling onto his neck. She leaned in closely and gave a small smirk.

'Dumbledore's naked!' She screamed causing Malfoy to shoot bolt up right and cover his eyes with his sheet until he heard laughter and lowered it.

'That wasn't funny' He scowled, as Ella giggled and ran out of the room. He looked over to Hermione who was looking at him with a small smile.

'Morning' He drawled coming closer and kissing her so softly on the lips that she hardly felt it. 'My ego is never going to be the same after last night ya know.'

She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. 'Bless'


He rolled her over so he was on top and started kissing downher neck to her cleavage.

Hermione smiled gently as her hands ran through his hair. She gasped suddenly as she felt his hand making its way in-between her legs.

'You probably don't want to do that' She said quickly as he looked up and narrowed his eyes.

'I'll be gentle' He whispered kissing her on the collarbone.

'No, I'm serious Malfoy, move your hand' She said grabbing it and moving it to her stomach.

'Look, I know you're scared and everything but I promise, it'll be ok' He said running his hand back down.

'No, I don't think you understand me. You shouldn't do that. I want you too, but, you can't'

'Why not?' He snapped as he felt his body tense up with anger.

'Well, it happens every month'

'What happens every month?' He said sighing and sitting up to look in her eyes.

'I turn into a man' Hermione said sarcastically.

'I don't get it' He said blinking stupidly.

'Ok, lets go through this. I'm a female'

'Yes I know' He said running his eyes over her body.

'And, I'm fairly developed'

'Oh I know that too' He smirked looking at her chest.

'I'm up here' She said moving his face to face her. 'And, every month something happens to us females'

'You've lost me'

'Don't make me spell it out for you'

'I think you're going to have to'

She sighed in frustration. 'I'm riding the crimson wave'

'Huh? Riding the what wave?' He said still not getting what Hermione was implying.

'I'm on my period you fool' She said turning over and shutting her eyes as tiredness washed over. She didn't see the great Draco Malfoy turn red.

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