Be Yourself

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'Be yourself', something everyone has heard being said to them. Simple two word advice that nearly everyone gives without knowing it, but somehow never explain what it actually means. Yes you know English but what does it REALLY mean.

My personal definition of being yourself is 'doing something that comes naturally without a split second of thinking wether you should do something or not'. If this definition is correct, would it not apply to someone doing something bad? Your first thought of 'be yourself' is probably being happy and doing right things, but that doesn't make sense.

Not everyone is good (ethically speaking) when being themselves, let me give an example. I said something mean to a friend on a Monday morning ruining the whole day for them, but I was being myself wasn't I? I didn't think at all before doing ✓ it's what make naturally ✓ and most importantly, not regretting it after wards since it was me 'being myself' naturally ✓

If you use that example, it shows that everyone is naturally a bad person (except people who have gotten into a secure habit of doing good things instead of bad but in most cases people are naturally bad)

If you don't think my definition is correct what other definition is there?

List of some random definitions that may or may not be quite correct:

Being yourself is..
~doing things that make you happy
~doing things that come naturally only with good things
~doing things that only focus on your point of view that they are right.

Obviously I'm not saying my definition or any other are 100% correct because it's not that simple. I'm not experienced in knowing what this means but I think I have a common grasp of what it really means to me and how people should look at it the next time someone says to them 'Be yourself, don't act otherwise'

If you have a different opinion on this matter please share in the comments, I'm interested in what other people think :)

(Also the Google definition: act naturally, according to one's character and instincts. This is kind of the definition I was trying to get at as well it's just that the problem is that people view it differently)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2019 ⏰

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