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I woke up to my mom shaking me.

"Iris." She said

"Iris." She repeated.

"Go away" I groaned.

The look on her face told me that was the wrong thing to say.

"Iris, you have been missing school for a whole week now. They call everday saying you're not there. I come home and find you in your bed."

"I'm sorry, I just haven't felt like going." I replied

"You have to do a lot of things in life that you don't feel like doing. Get ready and go to school." She said

I rolled out of bed and changed into some jeans and a white top.

I brushed my teeth and combed my hair.

I saw my reflection in the mirror, what happend to the happy girl from middle school?

The one looking forward to her future, awating what was going to happen next. The little girl with a sparkle in her eyes.

She wasn't there anymore.

She was gone.

Replaced with a sad teen. Who had bags so large under her eyes, they could probably could carry your groceries.

She saw a miserable person staring back at her.

There was no twinkle in her eyes, or sparkle in her smile.

There was just a sad girl.

Who was trying so hard not to be sad, but just couldn't stop being sad.

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