Chelsea and Michael Clifford

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Hey there duffle bag!(Thats my new name for you by the way)


It was kind of a celebratory dinner. You, Michael, Ashton, Luke, Calum and your best friend Jori, along with some the boys' tour techs were all out at this fancy restaurant. You couldn't remember exactly what it was called, but it had fairy lights hanging from the ceiling. The lighting was dim and the perfect date spot, certainly not a place for 6 teenagers and their management to have a celebratory dinner. But it was the closes thing to the boys' next stop on their Europe tour. This dinner was actually a celebration of their tour almost completely selling out and the amazing success the album has done in the US and Canada.

You and Jori always got on the boys on making sure they didn't just refer to the US and Canada as 'America'. Seeing as both you and Jori lived in Toronto for majority of your life before moving to the UK together to pursue your dream of becoming a journalist and maybe even an editor of a news paper or magazine, and Jori wanting to become a Psychologist. Luckily, you two got into the same university and you were able to buy a flat for the two of you to share. Currently, both you and Jori worked at a music store. Not really helpful to what you two planned on pursuing in a career, but it helped pay the bills and afford food. Plus you got any CDs you like for free.

It was here where you actually met the boys. You and Jori were both working that day, Jori working the cash while you helped customers and organized the CDs and that kind of stuff. You were organizing the Rock/Pop section of the store when a boy with white hair that had a black streak going down the middle approached you. He had asked you where he could find the guitars and guitar strings and it kind of just flowed from there. You two began talking about music, then other things you have long forgotten, but somehow he ended up with your number and promising to take you out. You weren't sure how it happened, but it did and now 10 months later, you were in a loving relationship with that exact boy. You also remember Calum talking to Jori and saying something along the lines of 'How Art Thou?" and then a laugh from her and two other boys who you now know as Luke and Ashton.

But, enough about the past, let's talk about the present, the right now. You sat at a long table-well, it was really just a bunch of tables pushed together- with everyone. Everyone was dressed quite nicely. The boys in blazers and button ups rather then their usual styles of band shirts. You and Jori both wore dresses, something out of both your comfort zones, but it was necessary. The waitress had just brought the table it's appetizers and you had gotten nachos while Michael had gotten some fries. Michael was long done his fries and now was trying to steal some of your nachos. Sure, you loved him but you didn't share your nachos.

So, you grabbed your fork and lightly poked his hand, causing him to pull his hand back and pout at you.

"Ow babe! That hurt." Michael whined. You just smiled taking his hand in yours and kissing the spot you had poked.

"Awe baby. Does it still hurt?" He nodded, pretending he was about to cry. "What's gonna make it better."

"A kiss from you." You just giggled, before leaning up and capturing his lips with yours. His hands found their way to your face, cupping your cheeks and deepening the kiss.

"Ew, c.mon guys! Get a room or something!" Luke complained throwing a packet of sugar at the two of you. You both pulled away, Michael taking the same packet along with three more and throwing them back at Luke.

Mean while, Jori and Calum were sharing their own plate of nachos and being all coupley and shit. That was until Calum decided to throw a relatively empty chip at Jori.

"Hey, Cal!" Jori pouted, trying to make sure there was no sauce on her dress. "You could of got salsa on my dress." She complained, looking up at him with a some what angry face. He just chuckled, leaning over and pecking her lips softly.

"I'm sorry babe." There was a loud groan from both Luke and Ashton before Ashton spoke, 

"Can you guys all stop being so coupley? We deal with it enough. Gosh!"

"Shut up Ash. Go and get laid or something!" Calum retorted. You all laughed before a familiar song came on the radio. Ashton began drumming on the table, as the rest of you started to sing along. Luke pulled out his phone and started recording it and posting it on Keek.

"I'm sorry, but a few other guests have complained about the noise. We would ask if you quieted down a bit please." A waiter told you all.

"We're sorry. I'll get them to calm down." One of the boys' tour managers assured the waiter. "You guys gotta be quieter!" You guys all eventually quieted down a bit, but it didn't last long, before Calum some how managed to spill his water on his jeans, leaving a very obvious wet mark.

"Calum peed himself!" Michael exclaimed, as you all laughed. You all began chanting, "Calum peed his pants! Calum peed his pants."

"C'mon guys. It's not that funny." Jori tried defending Calum. " Stay here babe, i'll go see if they have a pair of pants you can borrow or something." She got up from her seat, looking for a waitress or waiter. 

As she was  gone your tables waitress came back and asked your orders. You all ordered, before Luke spoke up, "Can i ask you a question Angie?" She has introduced herself at the beginning of the meal and Luke has been trying to get her number since.

"You just did, but sure why not?"

"Have you been to the doctor lately? Cause i think your lacking some Vitamin Me."  He threw out there. She just laughed, shaking her head.

"Nice try Hemmings. I'll be back with your dinners soon." She answered before walking off.

"You're 18 and you still can't get laid? Have i taught you nothing Luke!" Michael exclaimed.

"Shut up Clifford." Soon, Jori returned with a pair of black pants and handed them to Calum.

"Come with me babe. I need you to hide it." Calum nudged her shoulder.

"And how so?"

"Like this." He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling him close to him. "Now walk forward." And the two of them walked together towards the kitchen where he was allowed to change.


The night was coming to and end and Luke ended up having to pay for yours, and Michael's meal since he lost the bet on being able to get Angie's number. 

On the way out, you were all stopped by one of the waiters.

"Your name is Ashton right?" he asked, pointing to Ashton. He nodded, asking for him to go on. "Are you a parking ticket? Cause you've got fine written all over you." Ashton looked at the waiter shocked, before replying,

"Sorry mate, but i'm not gay. It's flattering though." He shook off before you all headed out and into one of the SUVs.

"That was hilarious!" Calum exclaimed, as you all piled in the car.

"Hey! I don't see any of you guys getting hit on by guys! At least he thought i was attractive, unlike you three." He retorted.

You all just laughed before preparing yourselves for a long movie marathon.


Hope you liked it!

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