Chapter 12 { The night bazaar }

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Luna P.O.V

As soon as we got to the parking spot I got out of the car excited. I then looked over to Asher... wait he was wearing a suit, but we are going to the bazaar isn't it better to wear something casual and comfortable?

He got to my side and I decided to ask him if he could change his outfit

" umm Asher I-I was thinking maybe you can change into something casual ?" I asked unsurely

" why? what is wrong with what I am wearing ?" He asked innocently, so adorable

" nothing you look * cough cough * really good in them, but we are going to the night bazaar and a suit is not so suitable " don't make me die, Asher, for god sake!

" ok, where to get casual clothes now ? " he asked once more

" let's go and buy one, there might be a clothes shop nearby here" we then made our way out of the city garage, but not before Asher took my hand in his, I watched our hands confused.

" let's be like this ok? we are out and I don't feel is it too safe at night, this way I feel it is safer" wow isn't he protective now? It's not like I hate holding his hand so I just nodded with a smile, we then started walking in the streets, there were shops everywhere and we didn't stop until we found a shop for men's outfit.

We got inside and an old man came towards us.

" Hello young couple, how may I help you ?" He asked with a smile

" I am looking for something casual to wear " Asher replied, the old man immediately nodded and he started to show us everything casual he got.  there was one that I liked the most, black jeans with a grey hoodie and the reason why I liked it so much was because it looks exactly like my outfit.

But I was too embarrassed to tell him that I want us to wear matching outfits

" I will try this gray hoodie with the black jeans, thank you " wow he just read my mind....the old man gave Asher the suitable size and Asher walked inside the dressing room to put them on, when he came out the only word that was swimming in my mind was WOW, thousands of wows, he looks just awesome

" do you like it ?" He asked

" You look really good in them! let's pay right away " he nodded and we went to pay for it. Then Asher asked for a bag to put his suit in it.

We made our way now towards the night bazaar location, Asher was holding my hand again which made me feel so warm inside, it feels good, it is tickling me somehow I don't know how that is possible, if we were in the fantasy world I would definitely say he is my mate.

We got closer and I was so excited!!!!!!!!

" so what do you want to try first ?" He asked

" can we first eat in that Korean restaurant?!" I asked excited like a small child, Asher chuckled and I knew he agreed by that.

We all know that in any bazaars there are no buildings and everything is under tents outside which actually makes it extra special.

we were searching for an empty table and Thank god we found one quickly. We sat down and soon the waiter came up to us

" what can I get for you ?" She asked mostly looking over to Asher which dang made me mad, why is she looking at him like that? shameless bitch- don't curse Luna

" My fiancée will decide," Asher said with so much pride, I was surprised by his response, but he just makes my respect grow for him.

" two chicken noodle soups and two soda please, oh! And don't forget kimchi!" I requested

(Ps: only the army's will understand 😉)

" ok please wait, your order will be here soon" I just nodded

" are you a fan of Korean foods? " Asher asked out of the blue

" hmm, I love their food! It is super delicious and sometimes spicy, but always healthy" it is really cool

" it's good to always learn new things about you," He said with a smile which made my poor cheek start burning up.


We ate our food, and then started exploring the bazaar, we tried playing a lot of games, Asher ended up winning me a big teddy bear.

I was hugging it close to me by one arm and my other hand was holding Asher's, we saw an ice cream van and we decided to order ice cream. he ordered it while I was waiting, then my eyes landed on a sweet shop nearby.

I know he is just buying ice cream now, but I always love midnight snack, so it won't be bad to get some snacks.

I decided to walk over to the shop and order some sweets, I paid for them taking the plastic bag full of sweet and made my way back, but the moment I stepped out of the shop I was in a bone-crushing hug.

" where were you?! why did you walk away?!" He sounds so worried yet pissed

" I-I just wanted to buy some sweets.." I whispered hoping he will hear me, after some minutes of being in his tight embrace he finally released me

" Please don't walk away like that again.. you got me scared.." he confessed which made me feel guilty, but why is he so afraid? It is not like someone gonna eats me or something, it is a safe country.

" I am sorry I won't go off again without telling you, ok?" He nodded before kissing my forehead which made my heart skip a beat,

I didn't see that coming

" let's head back already, ok ?" He asked and I agreed, we made our way back to the garage.

it was quite far, I didn't realize that we walked so far. As soon as i got inside the car I rested my head on the window feeling dead tired, Asher putted the things we bought in the car before getting inside.

" Asher I will take a nap ok?" I asked

" sure please do, but is it comfortable to take a nap like that?" He asked and I just smiled

" my mom always says ' when you are really tired you can sleep anywhere even if it's on a stone ' so it is ok," I said as I wanted to lie my head there again ready to take a nap, but the next thing happened was so sudden I couldn't help but to let a small scream out.

I am now on Asher's lap, I wanted to ask what is going on when he decided to reply to my unasked question

" sleep here it is more comfortable Than the window I bet " I wanted to resist, but he put a finger on my lips

" Please ?" It is for my good if I sleep here yet he is saying please? this boy is something else.

I didn't say anything anymore, I hugged his waist as I rested my head on his shoulder. it feels so safe

" goodnight my Luna," He said as he kissed the top of my head

" goodnight " I whispered before sleeping the best sleep I had in my entire life.

being here just feels right

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