Asher P.O.V
When I was in the car with Luna, it felt so peaceful that I thought it couldn't get any better, and I was right, it didn't get any better it got worse.
Mason mind-linked me saying that about 200-300 rogues are ready to attack my territory. Do they want their death? My pack warriors can kill them all in a matter of a few minutes.
But I feel alerted, my house with Luna is inside my territory and the thought of anything that could be a threat to her makes me want to kill them all by myself.
I took Luna home with anger burning inside me wanting to kill all the rogues immediately, but I got out of the house with my heart skipping beat after beat. I just saw the caring side of my mate, how can I not be happy?
' she looked really worried ' Leo said and I agree
' I wish this wasn't hidden from her, lying to her just hurts' Leo commented once more
' I know Leo... I didn't wish for this either. we need to wait for the right time don't worry, ok ?'
I got out of the car only to be greeted by Mason
" How are things going ?" I asked Mason
" Everything is alright now alpha, killing them was easy, but we kept the leader alive as you commanded, we are questioning him now " He Informed me
" then let's go and have fun, shall we ?" I said with a smirk as I made my way towards park cell
Welcome to hell rogue
__________________________Luna P.O.V
As soon as Asher left I walked straight to my room a.k.a the room i shared with Asher last night. I wanted to wait for him till he will get back.
I didn't know what to do so I walked over and sat in front of the big window, looking up to the sky, it was beautiful, the stars are shining like always and the half-moon is no short of perfection.
sitting there in silence only thing I could hear was my breathing sound, but soon I heard something that always makes my heartbeat in excitement.
howling sound of wolves
Why now? Just why? please, Luna, don't be stupid, don't go, last time you ended up seeing dead parents of a wolf.
I kept arguing my self not to go when I heard another one and FREAK that did it. I walked over to the closet room wearing one of my sports outfits, taking my camera I then took out my forest spray so I can put it all over my body. I don't want those wolves being able to smell my scent then eat me up alive.
Now how to get out of here without being noticed?
I knew the front door wasn't an option since there are a lot of bodyguards there, so I looked out of my room from the big window, there was no one to be seen, at least for now.
I jumped in a way I learned so i won't get hurt, and it worked! God, I am so thankful I took martial arts classes for so many years. they always prove to be useful.
I looked around no one is to be seen, thank god. I was about to walk away when a bodyguard showed up behind a few trees, I wasn't visible to him.
looks like he is responsible to guard this part, I tried to sneak out without being noticed by him. smoothly and carefully not to make any sound I started to move but he seemed like he noticed me, so I had no option but to take him down. I jumped behind him and hit him right on his neck before he could do anything, he fell down immediately unconscious.
" I am sorry Mister bodyguard, I really am " I apologized before running off before anyone else will show up.
Wondering in the forest I heard a howling voice once more and it seemed close, so I try to follow it quickly before it faded away. And I found them! I was really far from them but I could see them clearly.
They were like a small pack, three brown and two black wolves.
I love wolves so much, god.
I quickly start taking pictures of them and after I was done I decided it is best to head back before they would notice me.
I made my way back towards the direction I assume is the right one. But before I could walk any further from this place I heard a laughing voice behind me
" well, well, well, what a surprise Luna, what a great pleasure " there stood two men's looking like they were in their 30's.
" can I help you ?" I asked. I don't like them that is for sure.
" oh you sure can, just come with us and it will be fun, I promise, " one of them said as he stepped closer to me
" I would like to say no, so no, thanks. go and find someone else to play with because I am not interested," I said angrily
" oh she is threatening us, but isn't she so much prettier when she is angry," he said as he grabbed my wrist.
wrong move boy.
I twisted his hand that was holding my wrist making him shout in pain, I then threw his hand with force. He took a few steps back holding his twisted hand.
" I said don't play with me" I cleared myself once more
" You son of a-" I cut him off
" first i am a girl so I am a daughter of someone, secondly you better go and let me be or I swear you will regret this " how many more times to I have to clear myself so those two idiots will understand?
They didn't listen, the guy that just got his hand twisted tried to attack me.
Well, you asked for this...
I backed away to give myself enough space before kicking him right in the place that sun doesn't shine, I look over to the second one who tried to attack me as well and this time I started a real fight.
But are these guys even man? with only a few punches from me, one is already passed out and the other one is still screaming in pain.
I thought I finally can go back without a problem, but boy I was so wrong.
Looking back only to see the group of the wolves I was just taking pictures of, they are now staring back at me, ready to attack.
I did the only thing I could do and that was running. I ran like I never did run before, I could feel them after me which made me run even faster.
there are so many twigs on the way, it is a forest, after all, I could feel as they were cutting my arms and belly sides each time I passed by them, but I couldn't feel any pain, this is running for your life.
I could feel my eyes tearing up.
who knew I will die like this? I shouted for help from the only one in my mind, the one I always feel safe with " Asher !!" Although it certainly doesn't mean anything, it is not like he can just magically appear and save me from those wolves, still I couldn't help but shout through my tears while I kept running.
I look back to see how close they are, but big mistake... the next thing I knew was one of my feet trapped in some tree roots, I fall down harshly as I screamed at the wave of pain hit me because of my foot... my foot, it hurts...
I got on my knees trying to stand up ignoring the pain and just run, but I couldn't, it hurts just too much...
I lay my back there with the same tree one of my feet got trapped with and it didn't take long for the wolves surrounding me.
I always said if there is an animal I wouldn't mind to kill me are wolves, can I take that back?
" p-please don't hurt me.." I whispered through my tears, I swear the wolf in front of me looked like he or she was smirking at me.
He growled loudly which scared me even more.
Who knew a beautiful creature like wolves got such a dark side, I know they always protect their family from any danger, but I didn't do any harm, so why me?
The wolf got ready to attack me And I closed my eyes ready to welcome my death
If I only knew I will die like this, I would have said so much to people I know and love, but how will i know I would be killed by something I loved the most?

The fairytale is true
FantasyI closed my eyes ready for my death when I heard a very loud and dangerous growl, I swear I felt the ground under me shook by it. I opened my eyes quickly to see what it is, but I couldn't believe my eyes, I just couldn't. even in this state, me cry...