Chapter 6 { Helping me }

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Luna P.O.V

I got home and I wasn't late, thank god! I smoothly walked inside hoping I can get inside my room and sleep as soon as possible, but they caught me like always.

" Luna, dear, come here" mom called from the living room I sighed putting Alpha down on the hallway and walked towards the living room

" Hi mom, hi dad " I smiled at them as I sat down

"Hi dear, how was the party?" I wanted to say not good at all, but that would bring up so many questions

" it was ok mom, thanks, so you wanted to tell me something?" I mean they won't just call me here for nothing

" Luna, dear, you know that you are the next CEO for our company and you are doing awesome job training till now but" I am nervous now. why is dad bringing that up now?

" I want to make sure, in the future when I won't be here you will have a strong person you can rely on. And that is not only for the company sake but also because I want to be sure about nothing bad gonna happen to you in the future" I looked at him confused

" what do you mean exactly by 'a strong person behind me' dad?"

" I mean I want you to get married to someone who you can rely on and he is capable of protecting you" I needed a few good minutes to process what I just heard

Me...? Marrying-marrying someone?

" b-but dad why would I need that? I am training so hard so I can be an independent person and a good CEO in the future "

" I know dear, but this is life and everything might happen. now i am asking you, in your entire life I have never said no to something you wanted nor I am planning ever to do so.

So for my sake please think about it, I just want to make sure everything will be alright when one day I am gone. ok...?" I felt my eyes tear up but I didn't let them fall.

why is dad talking like that? I have never ever thought about anything bad happen to any of my family members or someone dear to my heart

" dad don't say that..." I whispered

" just saying dear, now think about it, ok...?" I never saw dad giving me that look

" I-I need time to think about it, is that ok?" I mean it is hard to marry someone you don't know out of blue.

" you have time till tomorrow evening, think thoughtfully about your own good and the company needs as well" I nodded my head as I stood up excusing myself.

I walked towards where I left Alpha and he was just like a good boy playing around. I took him in my arms as I walked to my room

I lay down on my bed, i was feeling so uneasy

" w-why must I marry someone? That sound just so unfair" I whispered to Alpha holding him tight beside me

" b-but I feel like it is my part too, as dad said they gave me everything in this life I must great their wishes when they asked for something" I sighed as I put the cover over me and Alpha

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