Where Is the Man I Fell in Love With?

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It's been months since Goku died, and he has changed. Now he won't come out of his room, no matter what I try. Goku's death has impacted him more than what I expected. Goku meant more than a rival to Vegeta, I had noticed that much. But, I didn't think Vegeta would take out his grief this way. Whenever I look into his eyes, they are so lifeless. There was no more determination, no more ambition, no more nothing. Where was the proud, stubborn Saiyan I had married? The one that would make sure he achieved every single one of his goals. The one that no matter how hard it was, would beat, or even eliminate every obstacle in his path. The one that had stolen my heart. I don't know if he exists anymore. He has lost all of his motivation, his motivation to keep living. Now, I realize that Goku meant the world to him. The one person that kept Vegeta going. It broke my heart to see him this way, so lifeless. To know that  Trunks and me are not enough reason for him to keep going.
Goku's death has been hard on everyone, including me....... but we must keep going. For Goku, I'm sure he wouldn't like to see us in such pain. He would want us to be happy. And I was going to make sure Vegeta got out of that depression. Because, it's his duty to stay strong for Trunks, no matter how hard it is. So, I opened the door to his room that I had been contemplating for a while.
Me: Hey, you okay?
There it was again that look, a look that paralyzed my heart.
Vegeta: Get out, I am not in the mood to hear your scolding.
Me: Well, I ain't leaving! And you are going to hear me out, young man!
Vegeta: hmph... (turns around)
Me: That's better. How long are you going to stay locked in your room? I know you miss Goku, but you must continue with your life. For Trunks, for me.
Vegeta: tsk, What I do or don't do is none of your business.
Me: Oh, it is. So don't you say it isn't, you are the father of my son, therefore you are also of my concern! Please listen to me! I know it's hard, but you have to continue. Where is the man I fell in love with? You never come out of your room! Fights and strong opponents don't interest you anymore. What is wrong with you?! This isn't you, it pains me to see you behave this way. Why won't you understand?!
At that moment I just broke. The tears I had been hiding came out, but I wasn't going to let that stop me from telling Vegeta the truth.
Me: I...I love you okay. And you probably don't love me back, but believe it or not I will always be there for you. You can tell me what's wrong. Having feelings isn't a weakness, on the contrary it is strength. It is prove that you are alive, that you have something to fight for.
I wiped my tears away and looked straight at him. He looked confused sad.... then he quickly masked his feelings away.
Vegeta: ....... B-
Me: Just think about it okay. And when you are ready to get out of this room and continue on with life, we'll be here, waiting. Waiting for you to realise that you have an amazing family, with a marvelous son, that you have to be there for. Time is ticking and you are missing out on his life Vegeta.
With that I closed door, and regained my composure. I was Bulma Briefs, and if my stupid husband wasn't going to be there for my son, well I was. And I'll be here waiting for him to come back to us. Because I just know he will get over this, for he is a Saiyan Prince. And no obstacle, conflict, or opponent is big enough to stop him. That in mind, I cradled my son, so he would fall asleep.
Me: Oh, Trunks I just wonder how long that will take.

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