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"Harry that's not a good idea!" Jetta screams after his retreating back "that idiot is gonna be fine Jetta you know what will happen now all you have to do is be on time to catch him you can't miss do you understand me your children need you and him both." She mutters to herself rushing back to the headmasters office to floo out.

"What is going on uncle Harry? This one had no pretext it just plopped us into a random spot" asks Rose looking around at the scenery seeing the familiar hall of Hogwarts fly past them.

"I'm not sure exactly Rose this memory isn't mine it's completely Jettas'." Harry responded with puzzled eyes. "That was me running off to save Sirius I think but after that I don't know what she did. I don't even remember seeing her there that night."

Disillusioned Jetta watches the fight progress carefully using minor jinxes to get the kids out of the way of the dangerous curses flying at them.

She levitates a small pill in-front of her and sends it shooting towards Sirius' open mouth, he drops milliseconds before the green light of the killing curse hits him. Jetta has already got him disillusioned before he hits the ground making it look as though he fell through the veil.

"Wait so does that mean the Sirius didn't die? I went through all that and she knew he was alive?" Fumes Harry.

"I'm sure she has a logical explanation Harry" comforts Hermione with a hand gently placed on his shoulder.

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