Camera Shy

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Extra long chapter for y'all, since i have been gone for so long :)

After yelling at Tae Baekhyun decides to sit in the couch and wait for him to be ready.

"Hey Baek come sit in one of the stools over here so I can give you some food and so we can chit chat." Jin semi tells from the kitchen.

"Sure thanks!"

Baek walks over to the kitchen and sits down.

"How have you been Baek? How are you and Chanyeol? Are you guys gonna have kids soon?!?" Thinking about Chanbaek kids got Jin really excited.

Meanwhile Baek is trying not to choke on his food because of the unexpected question.

"Well um not yet, Chanyeol wants to but I'm not ready yet."

"Aww ok BUT when you do plan on having kids don't worry cause i'll volunteer to babysit! Oh and then you guys can have play dates with Tae's kids! And they can wear matching clothes! Oh my gosh it'll be so cute!!!"

Listening to Jin ramble about having kids did make Baek want to have some one day.

"Yea maybe sometime later though." He replies with a smile.

"Anyways Im so excited for Tae's date this weekend!!"

Both Jin and Baek pause to process what just came out of his mouth.


"Uh nothing!"

"Well thank you for the food! I appreciate it very much! I'll go help Tae pick an outfit up stairs!" With that being said he speeds his way up the stairs to Tae's room.

Taehyung gets startled by the sudden burst of the door opening.

"Jesús don't do that to me, the babies and i are not ready for them to come out yet!!!" Taehyung says with his hands on his heart and partly swollen stomach.

"Tae it's only been like what 8?9? weeks??? WAIT DID YOU SAY BABIES?!!?! As is more than one!?"  Baekhyun says with a surprised look on his face.

"Yup! I am having twins!!" Taehyung excitedly says.

"We also get to find out the genders today at the appointment-" Taehyung turns to look at the clock-"well that's is we're not late...."

With that being said Taehyung grabs Baekhyun's hand and drags him all the way back downstairs and through the living room out the door.

"Bye mom! I'll be back in a bit!" with that being said Taehyung drags Baekhyun out the door and to his car.

A few minutes later they arrive at the doctors office. They were both sitting in the lobby waiting for the doctor to call Taehyung's name. Finally a doctor came out.

"Kim Taehyung."

Taehyung looks up and sees doctor Hoseok.

"Let's go Baekhyun and find out more about my babies." They both get up and follow behind doctor Hoseok.

"So how has everything been?By the way you seem be getting bigger which is always a good sign!" asked Hoseok as he lead them inside his office. Taehyung sat down on the bed and Baekhyun sat on the chair right next to him, Hoseok sat on the stool in front of Taehyung.

"Well everything seems to be fine so far...I think. Also thank you?" Taehyung responds.

They continue to do the normal check up questions up until Hoseok decides to ask something about the other person in the room.

"Well that's good, also who is this with you, by any chance is this the father?"

Both Baekhyun and Taehyung's choke on their saliva.

"Absolutely not! I am a bottom and proud of it!"

Taehyung and Hoseok both look back at Baekhyun.

"He's just my best friend ha ha..."  Taehyung responds to Hoseok.

"(cough) well sorry for assuming.....anyways would you like to know the gender?"


Both males reply with the same amount of enthusiasm and excitement.

Hoseok pulls out the machine that you use for the sonograms and drags it over to where Taehyung is sitting.

"Well you know the routine already i guess haha, so pull up your shirt, and don't forget the gel is cold" He says with a smile.

Hoseok turns on the machine and grabs the scanner thingy (this happened before but i'm sorry i still don't know the name of the thingy lmao) and wipes Taehyung bloated belly with a disinfectant wipe. He then rubs the gel all over his bloated belly.

An image pops up on black screen. There are two spots. One noticeably bigger than the other.

"Oh..have you been stressed lately Taehyung?" Hoseok asks concerned.

"Well a little...why?" Taehyung asks concerned.

"I'm sorry to inform you about this, but it seems one of you babies seems to be not growing enough, and most of the time this caused by stress which can eventually lead to early birth." Hoseok tells him.

Hearing this breaks Taehyung's heart and his eyes start to water. Baekhyun sees this and placed a reassuring hand on top of his and holds onto him and rubs soothing circles on his hand.

While doing that Baekhyun is already planning Jungkook's death.

"But no need to worry to much, it's still early enough in the pregnancy to fix this, you just need to not stress and eat properly." Hoseok says.

"That's good then Tae, anyways if you don't mind can you tell us the babies genders now?!" Baekhyun exclaims getting excited once again bouncing up and down in his seat.

"Well Taehyung your going to have....."

"both a girl and a boy" he says pointing to the big blob and then the smaller one.

"Wow." Taehyung says with the tears in his eyes spilling out.

"Wait a second...there's another one???" Hoseok says.

"Another one!?!?!?" Both Taehyung and Baekhyun say.

"Haha seems like this one has been being camera shy up until now, congratulations it's another girl!" Hoseok says with a smile.

Question- Does this story flow? Like does everything make some sort of sense? I know not everything does tho cause like ya but does it?

Question 2- Who all do y'all ship?

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