Chapter 01

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I've been sat in my room, surrounded by a heap of my clothes and items I came with for the past few hours. When I arrived at the Smiths household aka my summer home, Jada and Willow welcomed me with a big hug, I was shown my room and after a brief conversation with Jada, I excused myself from the living room and went to my room, where I have been since then.

I told her I was unpacking but truth be told I wasn't. More like I was staring blankly at the pile of clothes in front of me. I did try to unpack, I managed to get half my clothes into the closet but now I'm bored of unpacking, so I'm sitting here, thinking.

I have changed my outfit though, into something more casual, now I am wearing skinny blue jeans and a simple hollister v-neck shirt that I earlier found in the heap of clothes, whilst I was actually unpacking.

I looked around my room then spotted two of the most important things I owned. My photo album and my song book, placed carefully at the bottom of my box. I heaved myself off the floor and picked up my songs book. Flipping through the book, I smiled at my finished songs and my unfinished songs.

I heard someone knock on my door twice, so I quickly dash over to the reading table across my bed and drop my song book into one of the drawers and shut it closed as the door swung open and I saw Willow standing there with a smile on her face.

"Ready for dinner?" She asked. I didn't even notice how long I've spent in my room, wow. I was about to say no until I heard my belly grumbling, begging me for food. I sighed and nodded my head slowly. "Sure" I said to her, placing a small smile on my face. Nothing compared to hers, she was beaming.

I definitely wasn't looking forward to seeing Jaden... I'm kind of nervous to see him again, I have prepared myself for him though. I know he has probably forgotten me but there is still this tiny part of me; that still hopes he hasn't.

"Come on!" Willow said to me, literally pulling me out of the room and out of my thoughts. I giggled lightly, hoping she wouldn't notice my reluctantness. She let go of me as we approached the dining room, I could hear the laughter coming from the room so I calmed down a bit.

As we walked in, I noticed Jada, Will, Trey and my dad sat around the dining table... but where is Jaden?

"Hey" I said to everyone with a small smile on my face. "Hey darling, how are you?" my dad asked me. Almost everyone in the room diverted their attention to me as I took a sit opposite Willow.

"I'm good" I said to my dad, looking down at the plate of Chicken Casserole in front of me. "When are you going on your... trip?" I asked him, shooting up an eye brow and looking his way. "Tomorrow morning" he told me and I simply nodded.

"Are you looking forward to your summer?" he asked me with a grin. I looked up at him then looked at Willow. Normally I would openly speak my mind but I couldn't say no, that would be rude and mean. "Yup" I simply replied, popping my 'p'. I flashed him a toothy grin then focused my attention back to my plate, picking at my food.

"So... Georgia, tell us about you" someone said. I looked up to see everyone looking at me, then I realized it was Trey that spoke. I didn't want to talk especially not about myself. "What would you like to know?" I asked, forcing myself to eat. I've suddenly lost my appetite.

"Everything" he responded and I looked at him wide-eyed. I cleared my throat then leaned back into my chair. "Um, there isn't much to know..." I stated then shrugged and trailed off, when I was about to speak again, Willow cut me off. 

"Go on, just tell us about you. We'd love to get to know you better" she said with a bright smile. This confused me, she already knows who I am. I've been there for her since she was a little girl.

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