Chapter 05

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I looked at the figure who had grabbed my shoulder. It was Mateo grinning widely at me. I shrugged his hand off my shoulder and looked up at him with a small smile on my face. "Hello" I said to him and turned around to continue walking. 

He stopped me again by holding onto my wrist which made me abruptly pull myself out of his grip. Its not that I don't like people touching me or anything like that. I just hate Mateo touching me in particular. Besides I barely know him. 

"What?" I say and scowl but he didn't notice me scowling because he was too busy grinning like an idiot. "I wanna play a prank on Jaden. Come with me" he said and started walking gesturing for me to come. 

But instead I stood still in the same spot and rose an eyebrow at him. "Isn't he your bestfriend?" I asked. He shrugged and stopped in his tracks flashing me his signature grin which is very attractive and I can't help but look at the way his lips curve at the sides of his mouth...

'Wait... What?' I thought.

I shake my head and look at the ground nervously. "Just come, it'll be fun" he says and literally drags me along with him. My first thought is to pull my hand out of his again but this time I go along with it. He takes me round the corner and into a little bush. 

"What are we doing here?" I finally ask him after a few minutes. "Shh" Mateo says as we hear footsteps and Jaden's voice. "Lie down and pretend to be dead.." he said and trailed off before going to hide somewhere. 

I smirk then quickly go sit down on the ground, propped up against the wall. I use my skateboard to cover my belly as I begin to hear Jaden shouting my name like I'm a lost puppy. I squint my eyes so it isn't too obvious. I start to cough very coarsely and loudly as Jaden's voice approaches. 

He comes into the bush and I felt him kneel down next to me. "Oh my God. Are you alright Aurora?" he asked and I purposely mixed up my words and mumbled jibberish. "J-jaden?" I said in a small voice. I'm such a good actress. I thought, mentally complimented myself and let a small smirk form on my lips before quickly replacing it with a sombre look. 

I ocassionally coughed and once in a while I stole a glance at Jaden and once I saw Mateo carefully walking up behind him. I can feel Jaden inching closer to me to kiss my cheek. My eyes dart from Jaden to Mateo and back. Mateo is still trying to creep up on him, mentally propmting Mateo to hurry the fuck up. Oh God. I won't let Jaden kiss me, or even come in contact with me. 

I finally gave up and say "No. Fuck this" and with that I move my body away from his and tear my grip from his. He almost falls over and I can't stifle my laughter anymore. I just burst out laughing. Mateo is giggling softly and Jaden just looks confused. I stand up and brush off the dust on my body before smiling widely at both of them. 

At that very moment, a man dressed in shorts comes out of his house, I mean mansion. I didn't even realize we were playing in someones front yard. He is literally fuming and if looks could kill. I will literally be on the floor choking to death right now. He looks from Jaden who is still on the floor to Mateo who is fully laughing his head off and then to me, I'm just starring blankly at him. 

I gently tap Mateo and he looks in my direction. "Shit" he mutters and Jaden also looked. I notice Jaden has knocked over a few flower pots. I face palm and shake my head at him. "Come back here!" the man calls as we manage to run out.

"I will not hestitate to call your mother Jaden Smith!" he called out to us. I took a glimspe at him and continued running. "You're actually an idiot" I say to Jaden and slap the back of his head as we slow down our speed.

We literally ran or jogged to the skate park and when we got there Mateo was laughing, calling this funny. It was the complete opposite because I hate running and I don't like his laugh. "This is not funny Mateo" I said through gritted teeth but he kept laughing. 

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