The Beginning

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"Ughh" I say as I stretch up from my bed glaring at my alarm clock. Is it already 6:00?. I got up and started making my coffee and eggs that I usually make every morning. I glanced down the hallway to see if Papa came home last night from work. It was empty like I expected.
   I finished my breakfast and put on my white shirt and black skirt for work and the matching 3 inch heels I got from Kousuke. I didn't want to pay for another pair so I just kept on using these. I went into the bathroom and did my daily routines and put my hair in a bun. I let my hair grow out over the course of this year so I could finally put it up for work. I got my brown coat that used to be Papa's but I liked it better. I got the keys and went out the door.
7:45 A.M
   I opened the door to the Hirahara cooperation building. It's stunning white and light gray walls and marble floors illuminated the light making it bounce back in forth. I went up to the top floor like usual and to my surprise saw Yeong gi, one of my closest friends and the second Hirahara brother.
   "Heyyy" I say with a big smile and pointing my fingers like guns.
   "What's up" he replied with his giant smile on his face. His red hair was swept back with gel which was a really good look on him. His green eyes also seemed to sparkle today. He must have been in a good mood. Maybe Kousuke didn't piss him off this week.
   "Nothing just going to go see "the boss" again" as I say rolling my eyes and giggling. I never referred to Kousuke as my boss, he seemed more of a friend to me. "Is he still in his office?" I said looking down the corridor.
   "Yeah he should be in there, I just saw him. He doesn't look like he is in a great mood today so I would be careful.
   "Thanks for the heads up" I call out as I start walking down the corridor. I feel as if he was still watching me as I left.
   I knocked on the giant bamboo office door that he had like I always did. I heard a slight "come in" ringing from inside and walked in closing the door behind me.
    "Hello Ms. Yoo" a voice rang out from behind me. I turned around and saw Kousuke. His dark black hair like it always was and his clear white skin. I do wonder what he uses for his skin. His blue eyes seemed like the sky and shimmered all the light in his office. "Ms. Yoo?" I hear again and it shakes me out of my daze.
   "Oh sorry sir I dazed off" I said as I tried collecting myself.
   "Are you taking care of yourself well if you seem to just daze off so early in the morning?" He said a bit of a melodramatic tone in his voice.
   "I'm fine thank you for asking" I say as I try making my posture better. "You have a meeting today at 1:00 with your father and Mr. Kim to discuss the K-Mall." I said looking at the papers given to me. I walked forward and placed them in his desk.
   "Thank you" he says as he slumps back in his chair looking exhausted. I walk forward to him as a friend and not an assistant.
   "Are you ok Kousuke. You don't seem too well. Are you eating and sleeping? Do you want any wa-"
   "IM FINE" an irritable voice rings out. "Ah- sorry Ms. Yoo. I didn't mean to come off like that" he says as trying to sit more comfortably in his chair.
   "It's fine" I say as I start to walk out.
    "Wait Ms. Yoo" he says in a needy voice. His voice was like silk it seemed to flow off his tongue. He always had a way of words which must be why all the women must also fall for him.
   I look back "Yes?" I say having a poker face.
   "I appreciate your concern for me. I haven't been eating well if you must know and sleep isn't as easy at the moment" he says while putting his hand pinching the top of his nose.
   "Would you like me to get you anything? I could stop by a restaurant or Sun-Bucks to get your something you would like" I say as I smile at him.
   "No it is alright, I will go by myself. I am a grown man after all" he got up and started heading for the door.
   "Wait" I say gripping his wrist "may I go with you?".

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