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I HAVENT POSTED FOR LIKE A YEAR OH MY GOD LMFAO ANYWAYS also i hope you guys have stayed safe during this pandemic and don't forget to drink plenty of water 🥰

   As we were in his car worth more than my own apartment it suddenly struck me how we had become very close over the years. It seemed like yesterday since the whole formal fiasco and suddenly becoming Kousuke's secretary so many people had their eyes on. It's seemingly unfair that I had gotten the job when so many more qualified people could've applied. But that was all in the passed and now sitting next to me was Kousuke Hirahara. He's now comfortable to talk to and even drink with.
   "Miss Yoo?" Kousuke said peering over at me starring at him in mid thought
   "A-ah yes?!" I said startled and turned my head now looking forward in embarrassing
   Kousuke chuckled and looked back onto the road with a smirk on his face which made my cheeks even redder.
   As the luxury car pulled up to the giant company building i gathered my papers and unbuckled my seatbelt while opening the door. I waited for Kousuke to walk out and head inside in front of me. As we walked inside the building he slowed his pace and was now next to me. He didn't say a word and kept walking towards the elevator still looking forwards while i looked up at him baffled. I squirmed through the papers trying to look distracted and not embarrassed.
   We finally got to the elevator and i pressed the top number 24 to his office. The air in the elevator seemed oddly different and uncomfortable, almost stuffy. The ding of the elevator finally alerted us that we had arrived to our floor and was greeted by the many office workers ahead. We walked to the end of the hall to the big office door. I sat down in the desk in front of the door as Kousuke walked in but took a final glance at me. I put all the paperwork away but couldn't help but look through the window towards his office and him sitting there on his computer.
   "Kousuke really is attractive, isn't he?"  I thought to myself giving me an immediate blush. I slapped my face and got back to work trying to forget what i just said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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