The Car Ride

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Kousuke's POV
"Can I come?" a voice rang out from behind me grabbing my wrist. I look back to Ms. Yoo looking up at my and her posture slanted.
"Fix your posture" I say looking at her "and let go of me".
Looking back down at her hand grabbing my wrist she lets go and puts her shoulders back. "Sorry" she says again. She always says sorry. "But may I please still go?" She says again.
I look back at her with a stern face. "Fine" I say but only if you finish all the paperwork later. She gleamed, actually smiling with teeth. It's rare seeing her like this. Was it really just to go to Sun-Bucks?
I opened up my red Ferrari's passenger door for her. She got in and I closed the door behind her. I opened up the drivers door and hopped in. I started the engine and started my way to Sun- Bucks.
Ms. Yoo wasn't uncomfortable in the car as she usually was, thinking it would tarnish its value, I really didn't care. She was sitting looking out the window.
She turned her head "What? Do I have something on my face?" She says looking in the mirror.
"No it's nothing" I turn my head back to the road. I could see out of the corner of my eye the confusion on her face.
"May I open the window." She said getting a little uncomfortable from the heat. I nodded my head. I looked up where the controls the open the roof of my Ferrari were. I saw she was still looking out the window. I hit the buttons and started hearing the pieces and parts move. "What is that?" She says. I nod my head upward. She looks up. "Wha-" she says and the whole roof is gone. I smile at her.
Her brunette hair started to flutter out of her bun. Her smile was covering her whole face and she reached up through the roof. I always loved seeing her like this. Ugh what has gotten in to you. I take my focus back to the road but can't stop eyeing her from the corner of my eye.
   Still smiling I see. After having this year off from school she has time to raise enough money. Later last year she told us about the incident with her father and I honestly wished I gave her the money before the things got worse. I'm such a prick. After her dad getting better and going back to work she seemed to loosen up her "eat, sleep, study" attitude which was a nice change that I loved to see. Stop it. I kept my eyes on the road but somehow I kept looking back at her.

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