Blue Ocean Eyes

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(Shin Ae's POV)
We finally arrived at K-Mall. We walked in side by side. Papers in my hand as we headed inside Sunbucks. We sat at the same place when Rika
and Maya tricked us to meet up. To be frank, I wasn't that upset. I mean yes Kousuke is very handsome, he could have anyone he wants. Every woman that passes him is enchanted and almost everyone of those know who he is as well. Wealth, money, status, but he never seems interested. Perhaps he's a virgin? Gay maybe? No, he doesn't seem like it.
"Miss Yoo?" Kousuke said as a waiter came and glanced up towards him. I looked at him with the stare, he already knew what I wanted. "Two raspberry cheesecakes please." He said as the waiter left.
I looked up towards him "Why do you still call me Miss Yoo? We are also not in a formal setting are we?
He stared at me for a solid 3 seconds "It's because I've always called you that. It doesn't feel formal to me."
I stuttered while turning a bit red "I-I just call me Shin Ae" I said while I looked down embarrassed. A heard a small chuckle. "Are you laughing at me?" Seeing him covering his face up with his mask to try not to see him smile. I started laughing as well. I don't really know why but whenever he laughs I always laugh.
Our food came and it was delectable as always. I learned some manners after a while working in the Hirahara Corporation which is really pleasant to work at.
"You know Ms. Yoo the annual Hirahara party is coming up. The theme is gold and white. We have been running out of ideas lately." I knew what was coming and with my other experiences I wasn't looking forward to it. "I would like to invite you to come. Yeong Gi, me, and, Meh- I mean Meg will be there too." He looked at me with those blue ocean eyes of his.
"You know my previous experiences with your 'fancy' parties. I can't do those anymore" I looked down taking my napkin off my lap.
"I will be with you at all times. You are my assistant anyways so you have to meet people." I do have to do it for work. I'm also going to be with Kousuke the whole time it can't be that bad then.
"Fine. BUT you can't leave me alone. The last two times your crazy mother and Sang Chul drugged and almost rapped me and later hit my head in the pool and almost had a concussion." I said remembering the small flashes of those days.
"Let's not talk about what happened then. Anyways that reminds me it's about time to meet Mr. Kim and Sang Chul. Shall we?" He held out his hand to help me up. I took it and lifted myself up. We soon walked out towards the top floor to meet the blond noodle.

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