Chapter 12

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Jihyun POV

Waking up to the feeling of jolted movement from beside me, I frown lightly as I rub my eyes. Sitting upright, I look over to find Yoongi tossing and turning, a thin layer of sweat already seeming to cover his body.

"N-no... No!... Stop- Wait!" Yoongi pants out, fearful jerks following each mutter of a word. I frown gently at the sight, laying one hand on his side and holding him in place gently with it, using my other hand to run my fingers through his hair lightly. I brush my fingers through his hair a few times, ruffling it slightly with each go round. Just as suspected, just like always, he lets out a soft breath as he calms down and flutters his dark brown eyes open. He looks up at me with tears in his eyes, his soft lips forming his adorable pout despite their trembling state.

Laying myself back down beside him, he immediately curls into my side, laying his head on my shoulder whilst latching an arm around my torso. He gently peppers the skin where his head is laid with kisses, causing me to giggle softly before calming back down as he lays his head down once more.

"Thank you, Ji." Yoongi mumbles out softly, his tired eyes fluttering shut once more.

"Do we need an early start to the day, Yoongi? I don't imagine you ever outgrew your inability to sleep after nightmares like that." I ask in a gentle tone as I rub his back gently. He huffs quietly, whining a little as he nods his head. I just smile over at him though, kissing his forehead.

"Okay, baby. Why don't you go get a shower to feel better and I'll head downstairs to get some breakfast made for us, hmm? You can figure out who you wanna visit first while you get all cleaned up." I offer softly. He lifts his head up a bit, a tiny smile on his lips as he nods his head before leaning over and pecking my lips. I just smile at him, watching as he gets up and climbs out of bed before heading to his dresser to grab clothes and heading off to the bathroom that's attached to his room.

Once he's out of sight, I pull myself out of bed as well. Going over to his dresser, I pull out one of his gray sweatshirts, something I did all the time in high school. I pull on a pair of my own ripped skinny jeans and a black tank top, tossing his sweatshirt on over top before quickly brushing out my hair and heading downstairs. I'll finish getting ready after breakfast anyways.

Just like in the past, Yoongi's making his way into the kitchen just as I finish making breakfast. Bringing the bowls of food over to the table, it's a quiet breakfast between the two of us.

"I'll only be a couple minutes. I just have to finish getting ready." I tell him softly as we finish up, kissing his cheek softly. He gives me a shy gummy grin as he looks over at me, nodding his head.

"I'll clean up here while you get ready." Yoongi responds quietly, pecking my lips before grabbing the dishes and heading to the sink. With that, I head back up the stairs to finish getting ready, back down the stairs just a few short minutes later like I'd said. When I reach the kitchen once more, Yoongi's just putting the last of the dishes away before turning to me with a small smile.

"Ready to go?" He asks softly, walking over to me and taking my hands in his. Smiling up at him, I stay silent but nod my head. With that, the two of us head towards the door, slipping our shoes on before walking out and waiting for Yoongi to lock up the house.

"So, who are we gonna visit first, my little Yoongi?" I ask curiously, trying to keep a light tone. He gives me a pout at the nickname, his nose crinkling up in an adorable way like always.

"Why are you never gonna drop that name? I'm older and taller than you." Yoongi whines with a pouty lips as he speaks, causing me to laugh softly. Leaning up, I kiss his cheek gently, causing him to give me another pout all over again.

"Because you're mine now, and because it still fits you perfectly." I respond lightly. He groans jokingly, leaning his head over onto my shoulder.

"You're such a brat sometimes, I swear. You're lucky you happen to be one of the few people I adore, and the first person I came to adore for that matter." Yoongi grumbles with his cute pout. I just chuckle at his silly antics.

"We're meeting Namjoon first. Jimin's gonna want to know how everyone else is doing, but we have to visit Hobi last because he's most concerned about Jimin despite being worried about everyone, if he even knows that everyone's gone by now."

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