Chapter 21

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Yoongi POV

Pulling my black long sleeve on, I exit my bathroom and make my way towards my room door. With a small smile on my lips, I make my way out of my room and down the hall, going down the stairs and over to the kitchen. I let my gummy grin appear as I enter the room, shaking my head at the fact that Ji made my favorite breakfast for us.

Excitedly, I grab a bowl from one of the cabinets, making my way back over to the stove where it's waiting for us. Happily, I dish myself out a full bowl of the food, bringing my dish out of the kitchen with me and into the living room with a pair of chopsticks. Sitting down on the couch, I begin eating. I grin and giggle softly to myself just at the first bite, always having loved how amazing she's always been at cooking.

Tae comes down a few minutes later, already halfway through my bowl of food. I look over at him with a small smile, Tae just giving me a hint of a smile as he makes his way over to me.

"There's breakfast in the kitchen, Tae. You can go help yourself to some. Ji made more than enough for the two of us." I inform him with a small smile, watching as he nods but still takes a seat next to me on the couch, leaving a small gap between the two of us. Though, I begin to sense his want to discuss something or another as he sits, turning himself to face me a little bit as he does so. Taking another bite, I turn myself to face him as well, a curious look on my face.

"What's up, Tae?" I ask softly, not wanting to quit eating before I've finished the food, but not wanting to ignore the younger either. He sighs softly, running a hand through his hair.

"Do you really trust her, hyung?" Tae asks, sounding a bit nervous and uncertain. I smile instantly, nodding my head.

"Tae, I've known her since I was five years old. She's been my best friend since I first met her. I trust her more than anyone else I know. I promise, you don't need to be afraid to trust her." I respond gently before taking another bite of food. He hums quietly as he nods, gaze falling for a moment.

"Tae, you don't have to be afraid to talk to me. You can ask me anything about her or us or what's happening. You don't have to be afraid to talk to her either. She's just as open." I tell him softly, not wanting him to be uncomfortable about any of this. About her or us or anything.

"Will you tell me a bit about her? About the two of you? You guys are dating, aren't you?" Tae asks quietly, a curious but shy look in his eyes as he looks over at me. I grin almost instantly, not being able to contain my happiness just at the mere mention of us actually being together now.

"Yeah, we're dating. We've only been together for a couple of days though. You should know that she's definitely an honest and straightforward person though. She's blunt, but sweet and kind and so gentle. She's gonna take care of us, Tae. She's gonna take care of everyone and get everyone back to just about where we were before that concert. She's someone you can rely on. She doesn't break promises, Tae. She's gonna help you all get better." I answer truthfully, smiling to myself as I talk about her before taking another bite of food, nearly finished by now.

Keeping my gaze down on the bowl of food in my lap, the room falls silent for a moment as I quickly finish eating. Though, Tae soon breaks it again as I set the bowl down on the coffee table in front of the couch that we're sat on.

"You really do like her. Don't you, hyung?" Tae comments quietly, causing me to look back up at him. He's got a small smile on his lips as he looks over at me, waiting for an answer silently. I grin shyly, nodding my head as I run a hand through my hair.

"Honestly, Tae? I fucking love her. I'm not kidding. She's my best friend and knows me better than I know myself most times. She always knows all the right things to say and when, knowing what I need from her and when, and just makes me happier than I'd ever thought would be possible. She's just my favorite person I know, she knows me better than anyone. I can't begin to express just how happy she makes me, how grateful I am to have her and be able to call her mine. Hell, I can't even begin to think of how to put it into words just how excited I am over the simple fact that I get to call her mine now." I explain with a shy grin, my gaze wandering off towards the windows on the other side of our living room.

"I'm glad you're happy, hyung. You deserve it."

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