Chapter 2

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The next day, we find Audrey as we're walking to class. Audrey is one of those people who carry both a backpack and a handbag, making her look like she's going bungee jumping or something.

"Are you seriously following me right now?" She spits. It's like venom from a rattlesnake.
"We just have news for you," Mal says calmly. There always have been tension between the two of them, but we don't need another fight to break out.
"You know that De Vil guy? Carlos?" I start. She nods affirmative. "Well, he's been murdered."

"You're joking."
"Nope," Evie confirms. "My uncle's a detective. Hardly anyone knows yet."

We stop outside an empty science classroom. I use this opportunity to grab her phone whilst she's distracted.
"We need to talk privately about this," Mal mutters and we all file into the room.

"So, what's the 411?"

"Just that it was a murder and they're pretty sure they know who did it," Mal answers.
"Couldn't have been a slow death then - the fuckin' pussy," she laughs.

My inner monster is growling angrily. Was it the fact that she has no bloody empathy? Or was it that it was about De Vil? Either way, it takes most of my strength not to rip her head off.

"I'm dead, and still I'm the bloody joke!" Carlos yells, tears rushing down his face. "Four years of this!"
"I take it you used to take the piss out of him," Mal summarises.
"What, that runt? Look, I take the piss out of everyone who's not popular. You know that, Spindle-Weaver."

Mal makes to punch Audrey, but Evie holds her back.
"Ugh, this isn't getting us anywhere," I mutter. Carlos, getting frustrated, slams the door and messes with the lights. As Audrey can't see him, she's absolutely terrified.
"How'reya doing that?" She whimpers.

"We aren't doing anything. But tell us how you killed him, and I'm guessing it will stop," states Evie.

Carlos POV

I sigh and move over to the whiteboard, writing "Murderer" on it. In childlike handwriting, for maximum effect. It works. Audrey looks like she's shit her pants.
"What? But - how - what?" she stammers.

"Mama, just killed a man, put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, now he's dead..." Evie sings to herself.

"What? Is that one of your weird emo bands?" Audrey tries to snarl. I write "It's Bohemian Rhapsody, you uncultured bitch" under my previous message.

"We're going off topic," Jay grumbles, "quit playing games. Tuesday, after school, you followed him, and killed him."
"I did nothing of the sort!" she yells. "Look. I couldn't kill anyone, even if I wanted to. My mum's in a coma. My dad's in prison. Taking the piss out of people is the only way I can feel good about myself."

For Chernabog's sake! I was so sure...

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