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Claire looked back with her adrenaline pumping and ran as fast as she could to the getaway car. In her mind, she was thinking about the distance between her and the FBI, at this rate they probably already had been notified and were less than 10 minutes behind her. She hefted the two bags over her shoulders and hauled heck to the car. "If only I had joined track in high school," she grimaced. She quickly ducked into an alley and took a left turn to where her car was hidden behind a huge pile of trash. She could now faintly hear the sirens going off. So nervous, she almost dropped her keys trying to unlock the door. Climbing in, she dropped the bags into the backseat and drove off to freedom and the Bahamas. While she was driving, her SAT-phone went off. "What's the problem?" She asked her accomplice (who had the other two bags.)

"Nothing," Even over the phone Claire could hear the grin in Ems voice.

"Don't get cocky yet," Claire warned. "We still have to get to the safehouse and call him."

"They're never going to catch us." Stated Em.

The surety in Ems voice made it seem like she hadn't assessed the thousands of things that could go wrong. After all, they had just robbed a bank. "What makes you so sure that they won't?" Claire wasn't sure that she wanted to know.

"Using my exceptional hacking skills, I disabled their main frame. They won't be able to contact anyone for 24 hours. I also have their security controls linked to my computer so they won't be able to get out for a few hours until I open the doors." She said so simply.

"So if the Feds don't know yet then why did I hear sirens?" Claire asked.

"Oh some idiot set fire to his apartment complex, I passed it a while ago." Replied Em. "You know, when we get to the bahamas, you can trade in that old Focus and get a Ferrari or ooh, a Mclaren!"

"Yeah..." Claire replied less then enthusiastically.

Em seemed to sense her sub-par enthusiasm, because she said "I know it's going to be hard, but I'm not gonna see my family again either so we'll get through this together. We're already as close as sisters anyway."

Claire never would have thought that ChrystalClarity would lead them here.

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