Chapter 3: The next step

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1/19/15: Hi guys, this is Becky. I hope you guys like this chapter, Please comment if you like it or not, I'd love it if I had some feedback. Enjoy~

"The first step, is to grab the order." Clark looked at me like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

I grabbed the order and looked inside. I pulled out a turkey sandwich, a salad (probably for Jenna May over there,) and a small taped cardboard box. "How did you guys know our preferences? I could be allergic to gluten or something." I asked.

"It's something we do out of courtesy, and it's a fact that 1/4 of Americans like turkey sandwiches." He replied.

"Right... Okay then." Was all I could manage. I focused my attention on the cardboard box sitting in front of me. "Here. Em, catch." I said as I chucked the box at her.

Em caught the box and pulled out a cheap pre-paid cellphone. "There's a sticky note on it. The following is a set of instructions regarding your relocation." She read .

"1) Do not call the secure line Before 9:00.

2) Do NOT under any circumstances contact old relations/aquaintances. 

3) The old you is dead, keep it that way. 


5) If you are caught do NOT mention us or our services whatsoever, or you will regret it.

6) Customers under 21 are required to have one of our employees with them to keep them from doing stupid things.

7) Change your appearence some, if not completely. 

8) Keep in mind, in order to relocate you, we will have to fake your death."

"That's Uncle Rob alright. So serious." Commented Clark. 

"What did it mean by sending an employee with us?" I asked.

"It means that Uncle Rob will send a member of the business with you to be a guardian of sorts, sort of like the Alfred to your Batman. The employee would watch over you, make sure you finish school and stay out of trouble. Sort of like insurance for us, if you don't get caught then we don't have to go through all the trouble of making sure you don't talk. It's a better alternative if you ask me." He answered.

"Oh, that makes sense. At least we won't be in this alone." I said. I looked at the clock and it read 5:30 PM. "What are we gonna do until 9:00? I wondered aloud.

Clark looked at his watch and sighed. "I have to get back to work unfortunatley." He grabbed the notepad and pen and scrawled something on it quickly. "This is my number," he said "You guys seem fun. Call me sometime, Hide and Seek can get awfully boring sometimes." He then walked out the door and I had the distinct feeling that this wouldn't be the last of him.


 Em and I had a girl time while we waited for 9:00 to come around. 

"We should plan our mansion, we should have some idea of what we want in it, I mean we are billionaires." Em said. "I personally want a whole room dedicated for all sorts of parties."

"You can have your parties and I will keep the books warm." I said with a grin. 

"Yes of course we can't go without the grandest library in wherever the heck we're going. It will be like that webisode in Barbie life in the dreamhouse where the closet is so big that it takes days to reach the end." I looked at her with a grin as she said this.

"I knew you liked that show! Who knew that you were secretly a seven year old girl." I teased

"Shut up. You know you liked it too." She said playfully.

"Okay fine, we're both secretly seven year old girls." I know it was childish, but I couldn't help but find the humor in the show. Lots of teens watch that show right? Totally not in denial here. "Okay, back to the mansion of our dreams. My second request after the library, is an industrial kitchen where I can have the cook make us Baked Alaska or pizza." I said.

"Wait," Em said. "We're super rich now and you want the cook to make us pizza? We need to be having caviar for breakfast to fit in with all the super uptight, pompous, proud, backstabbing, rich teenagers. After all, I need people to come to my lavish parties while your hiding out with The Hobbit or something."

"Yes Em," I said rolling my eyes. "We couldn't possibly deprive you of lavish parties. The world would implode or something to that degree." 

"This calls for Ice Cream, the world's best comfort food." Em announced. 

10 miuntes later we were sitting on the floor drowning our sorrows with ice cream.

"What do you think that everyone at home thinks happened to us? I asked. The fact that I was never going to see my family again was suddenly dawning on me, and I suspect it was dawning on Em too. 

"I don't know," Em said. "They probably think we've been kidnapped or something." 

"How about we move to a less morbid topic. Our old lives are dead and our new lives are just beginning. We can accomplish so much now. We can go to a new high school, travel, go to college, re-launch Chrystal Clarity, anything we want. We can think of new names right now." I said.

"You're right." Em said with a new vigor. "Our new names need to be fancy enough to satisfy those, what was it? super uptight, pompous, proud, backstabbing, rich teenagers?"

"Exactly. I'm thinking something British perhaps. Maybe Bennet. Let's take turns saying names." I said with a smile.

"Waters." She said.

"Really?" I asked. "I bet you find that super funny. It only sounds like your saying clear waters. My turn." I declared. "Pevensie."

"Figures that you turn to books for ideas." She replies.

"What? Narnia is VERY British. You could get loads of names from it." I defended.

"Pemberley." She said.

"Who's using books now?" I teased.

"I thought you liked Jane Austenesque names? I can see Ophelia Bell Pemberley. You know what it doesn't have the same ring that Ophelia Bell Bennet has." She said.

"I like how we're doing this with no serious attitude whatsoever." I remarked.

"Ooh I've got it: Black. It Sirius-ly has a nice ring to it." Em said.

"Too soon. I swear Sirius Black is rolling over in his grave/veil." 

Before we knew it, it was 9:00.

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