ivy's character form

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『 theme song 』
Control - Halsey

『 quote 』
"Smiles are like band-aids. They cover up the pain, but it still hurts."

『 aesthetic 』

『 aesthetic 』

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『 name 』

『 full name 』
Ivy Rose Kessler

『 nickname(s) 』
◦ Crim
◦ Little Shit

『 name meaning 』
Ivy; evergreen climbing plant, faithfulness
Rose; a flower, kind
Kessler; coppersmith
Crimson; a deep red


『 sex 』

『 gender 』
Female; she/her
Female; she/her

『 sexuality 』
Aromantic Pansexual

『 age 』
16 years old
32,920 years old

『 birthday 』
June 17th

『 zodiac 』


『 species/breed 』

『 ethnicity 』

『 accent 』
Northern American
Northern American

『 face claim 』
Amandla Stenberg

『 appearance 』Ivy is 5"1 and has hardly any fat on her, she is strangely muscular for her age and size

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『 appearance 』
Ivy is 5"1 and has hardly any fat on her, she is strangely muscular for her age and size. That is due to Crimson making her stronger physically. She has dark skin and bright brown eyes, which change to red when Crimson takes control. Her hair is black, and it is incredibly curly and bouncy.

『 tattoos/piercings/scars 』
◦ small random scars from Crimson having fun, or Ivy being clumsy

『 clothes 』
Ivy likes wearing bright and colorful clothes, usually with a colored theme. She has a white beanie that she absolutely adores as well.

『 possessions 』


『 weapon(s) 』
Ivy does not know how to handle weapons, and does not own any.
Crimson absolutely adores short blades, such as knives, switchblades, and daggers. She is incredibly apt in handling them.

『 paranormal/supernatural abilities 』
Crimson has the ability to possess a single person after her old host dies, which is how she ended up with Ivy. She can summon demonic chains and has basic demonic powers, along with summoning red smoke. She is also unnaturally strong, both physically and mentally.


『 personality 』
Ivy is a perky, energetic ball of happiness and positivity, no matter what kind of situation she's in or what has happened. She has a lot of determination to get what she wants, along with having a sassy attitude. She tries to meet and make friends with as many people as possible, and has a lot of friends for that exact reason. Almost everyone seems to know who she is. She is unbearably social, not afraid to insert herself into random conversations. She does have an issue mentally controlling Crimson, and has to take pills in order to help subdue the demon. She is fast on her feet and a subpar climber, which Crimson tends to use to her advantage.
Crimson is the polar opposite of Ivy. She is sadistic and cruel with a malevolent disposition, and has the skill of being extremely persuasive and manipulative in order to get what she wants. She always manages to be a step ahead of the enemy. She enjoys torturing and playing games with her victims before killing them, just for the sheer pleasure of it. She understands social situations and uses them to her advantage in order to spill some blood.

『 likes 』
◦ Dasker
◦ being social
◦ her friends
◦ animals
◦ painting
◦ making outfits
◦ Rick
◦ blood
◦ knives
◦ killing
◦ seeing other's pain
◦ getting her way
◦ gore

『 dislikes 』
◦ Rick
◦ seeing others get hurt
◦ Crimson
◦ blood
◦ Ivy's weaknesses
◦ Dasker
◦ pills

『 fears 』
◦ Crimson killing someone she cares about
◦ the dark
◦ losing control of Crimson and her causing mass genocide

『 alignment 』
Neutral Good
Chaotic Evil

『 medical issues 』
◦ insanity


『 family 』
◦ Dasker; foster brother
◦ Rick; foster father

『 pets 』

『 backstory 』
Crimson first appeared when Ivy was only 6. Her parents had just gotten her a pet cat for her birthday, and left Ivy alone for a little bit. When they came back, they were met with the sight of Ivy, covered in blood, holding a knife, and the cat on the ground with its stomach sliced open, its guts spilling out. Horrified, they locked her in the basement. Crimson took control again and broke out, almost killing Ivy's mom. Ivy ended up running away after that, not wanting to hurt anybody else, and was taken into foster care. Soon she arrived to live with Rick and Dasker. The only adult in the house, her foster father, frequently abuses both children. Luckily for Ivy, Rick is only interested in males, but he still has no issue physically abusing her. In an attempt to protect his sister, Dasker normally blocks Ivy from Rick. Because of this, she hasn't been severely hurt in years, while he is frequently covered in marks.

『 occupation 』

『 position 』


『 playlist 』
Lush Life - Zara Larsson
S.L.U.T - Bea Miller
Panic Room - Au/Ra
Gasoline - Halsey
Make Me Fade - K.Flay
Set Free - Veorra
Control - Halsey


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