daniella's character form

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『 theme song 』
Blame It On The Kids - AViVA

『 quote 』
"Go ahead, try me. I'm everything you can't kill."

『 aesthetic  』

『 aesthetic  』

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『 full name 』
Daniella Brooke McCurtis

『 nickname(s) 』
◦ Dani
◦ McCurtis
◦ Bitch

『 name meaning 』
Daniella; god is my judge
Brooke; small stream
McCurtis; unknown


『 sex 』

『 gender 』
Female; she/her

『 sexuality 』

『 age 』
19 years old

『 birthday 』
August 6th

『 zodiac 』


『 species/breed 』

『 ethnicity 』

『 accent 』

『 face claim 』
Billie Eilish

『 appearance 』Daniella is 5"6 and an average weight

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『 appearance 』
Daniella is 5"6 and an average weight. She has a perfect hourglass figure with long legs and a sharp jawline. Her hair is naturally a dark brown, but she died it white a while ago and liked it, so she keeps it that way. It has waves in it and it reaches to the middle of her back when she has it down. Her eyes are a striking blue. Her wings, when manifested, are absolutely huge, completely white at the top while fading to black feathers at the bottom, almost like they've been dipped in ink.

『 tattoos/piercings/scars 』
◦ a peculiar ear piercing
◦ stray scars from missions
◦ a minimalistic tattoo of feathers on her back

『 clothes 』
Daniella wears black almost constantly, while on missions and off duty. Combat boots, button up shirts, leather jackets. She also likes wearing makeup, although never too much. She has a gun holster on her ankle and on her belt.

『 possessions 』
◦ at least one handgun
◦ at least one small blade
◦ a comm


『 weapon(s) 』
Daniella has access to a huge arsenal of weapons, and gets to pick and choose what she wants. Normally she has at least one handgun and a short dagger with her at all times, but also likes using sniper rifles for long distance discretion jobs. She is trained in hand to hand combat, blade usage, long distance shooting, and handgun training.

『 paranormal/supernatural abilities 』
Daniella has the ability to manifest huge wings, which she uses to fly, and has basic angelic abilities.


『 personality 』
Daniella is a very professional and composed person. She does her job well but never brags about it, and usually keeps to herself and her room. Socializing isn't really her thing. In order to do the kind of work she does and kill as many people as she does, she tends to distance herself from people in general and gain a sort of apathy about others in order to make things more bearable for her. She has a very logical mind and is very intelligent, if not a little selfish. She knows she can never have a normal life because of what she does, and she is fine with that. She believes emotions like love are fake anyways.

『 likes 』
◦ training
◦ finishing a mission
◦ relaxing in her quarters after a hard day
◦ kiwi
◦ being in the city
◦ clouds

『 dislikes 』
◦ failure
◦ paperwork
◦ animals
◦ training younger agents
◦ being told what to do by someone who is not a superior
◦ her parents

『 fears 』
◦ failure
◦ being a disappointment
◦ the future

『 alignment 』
Lawful Evil

『 medical issues 』


『 family 』
◦ Dasker; younger brother
◦ Damien; younger brother

『 pets 』

『 backstory 』
Like her brother, Daniella was kicked out of the house at the age of 6 when her human parents discovered her abilities. She was quickly picked up by a government agency in charge of controlling enlightened humans and dangerous supernaturals. They recognized her as a valuable field asset and trained her as such, turning her into the highly trained weapon she is today. She grew up at their headquarters in London but recently moved back into the states to help lead the new American base. She lives at that base, but does have a secondary apartment if needed.

『 occupation 』
Senior Field Agent at a supernatural government agency

『 position 』


『 playlist 』
Sweater Weather - The Neighborhood
Dead - Madison Beer
Home With You - Madison Beer
Castle - Halsey
Borderline - Tove Styrke (Vanic Remix)
The Ghost - NIVIRO
Angels - Vicetone
Body Talks - The Struts feat. Kesha
Capsize - FRENSHIP
Heart Afire - Defqwop
Darkside - Alan Walker
Bust Your Knee Caps - Pomplamoose
COPYCAT - Billie Eilish
Blame It On The Kids - AViVA


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