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Why is there a pacifier in your room?

                                                                                                     n-no reason hyung

what are you hiding Jimin?


Slight smut


very purgatory images





Hey guys! I myself am a little so thats kinda why I'm writing this, other than that I really love the idea of little Jimin I find it extremely cute, but if u don't like it please don't read this and don't spread hate, please vote and comment I love reading your comments thank u guys, I love you!!

Also I'm probably going to make a lot of changes to the story its starting to sound like a story I read a while back, I forget what it's called but its amazing, but I dont want to be copywrited..? is that how u spell that? idc lol

So if u see 💅 then you know that its been edited and will be staying the way it is (dont ask why I pick the emoji I just did, cool? cool)

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