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Jimin sighed, he was going to get evicted, he knew that, he just hadn't expected it to be so soon. He had been working three jobs and was still unable to pay the bills always telling his landlord "I get my paycheck next week, I'll be able to pay then" or "I promise I'll have it in by Wednesday" or any other day than they day it was due, he was trying he really was but he needed to eat and a lot of times he barley even had the money to do that

He crumpled up the eviction note and threw it across the room, flopping on his bed letting another exasperated sigh escape his plump, pink lips, he didn't know what to do, he didn't have anywhere to live and he did not want to be homeless again he had had his fair share of that life when he was 17 and his parents had kicked him out, the same night Taehyung had managed to drag him out to a house party at Namjoons where he had meet Yoongi, he was an undercover cop, who had later arrested him for underaged drinking


That's it Yoongi will know what to do

Jimin jumped from his bed and grabbed his phone that he had thrown across the room earlier, after getting home from his tiring job at the Kim Café, he had been exhausted and tired with everyone and everything, so when his ex, Yugyeom, text him, he wanted nothing more than to rip out his hair, but instead threw his phone across the room

Hoping he hadn't broke it when he threw it, he pressed the power button repeatedly, praying to the holy jisoos that the damn thing would turn on, after a few tries trying to turn it on he was about to give up when the screen lit up, Jimin jumped up with joy, hollering out a "Hell Yeah" as he quickly dialed Yoongi's number


"I am on the verge of beating someone's ass Yoongi"


"No, it's the ghost of Christmas past, of course it's me dummy"

Yoongi laughed "Still a smart ass"

Jimin scoffed but smiled anyway, him and Yoongi were best friends, had been for a while, but with Jimin working three jobs and Yoongi working as a cop, they hadn't really had the time to talk or meet up within the last couple of months and Jimin missed him, a lot

"Whatever, but hurry up what do I do I'm so close to killing my land lord" 

"calm down kid-"

"I'm not a kid"

"Okay sure," Yoongi laughed and Jimin coulda swore he had heard angels "What happened?"

"I'm getting evicted" I sighed heavily and flopped backwards on my bed, putting my arms over my eyes

"I've got an extra room.... I mean you could always come live with me"

Live with Yoongi

Live with yOoNgi?!?

"Okay cool" Jimin replied and hurriedly hung up the phone


Jimin face palmed he was so stupid, so so stupid



sorry lol I hope u like it :))

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