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3rd person pov

Jimin grabbed the boxes out of the trunk, he would be moving in with Yoongi today and he didn't know how to feel, should he be happy, scared, nervous, what? he had no idea how to feel, sighing he grabbed another box carrying it into the house, he and Yoongi hadn't talk much, just exchanged hellos and started bringing boxes in the house, Jimin, however didn't mind, he likes some peace and quiet, and he got to think about things, which isn't really the smartest idea, he know where thinking always lead him. Not paying attention he walked into the house, Jimin, too lost in his thoughts, ended up bumping into Yoongi, dropping the box and landing smack dab on his butt in the living room. 

"Watch where your going dongus (credits to xXSisterJJXx for the word love u famski 😂)" Yoongi said, laughing, he too had fallen on his butt

 "rude" Jimin said in a high pitched whiney mocking voice

Yoongi giggled (and once again Jimin heard angels) and stood up making his way over to Jimin, who was now laying on the carpeted floor, sprawled out like a starfish.

Yoongi stood over him, head cocked to the side, smiling his wide, gorgeous, gummy smile.

He didn't say anything, just held out his hand, waiting for Jimin to take it, which he did, and he pulled him up, they still hadn't said anything just stood there like the socially awkward people they were 

"sooo you gonna say something or.." Yoongi started

 Jimin looked at him and laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck 

"something" Jimin sarcastically replied while smiling his bright smile

Yoongi looked at him at chuckled 

"Jeez just like when I first met you, damn you know how long ago that was?"

Jimin, of course, knew the exact time and date he had first (officially, not drunk off his ass and probably high too) met Yoongi, at first he hated his guts, he was a cop, and Jimin knew cops where bad news, especially if you were in the living conditions he was in at the time

After Yoongi let him off the hook for under aged drinking, he went home only to be thrown onto the streets

It was weeks later when Yoongi and him just so happened to cross paths again

~flashback time bitches~  

It was hot, scorching hot, sweat rolled down Jimins forehead as he sat in what little shade he could find, trying to escape the burning hot asphalt

He sat on the side of "Benny's" it was a pizza place, that Jimin, at one point had loved, but now he most certainly didn't have the money for. He sat on the side of the cool brick wall trying to escape the sun that was trying to burn him alive, even in the shade it was hot and the asphalt still burned his now thin thighs, which mind you at one point had been thicker than a snicker.

Sighing and leaning back onto the brick and closing his eyes, maybe he could get a couple hours of sleep, even if it was a thousand degrees outside

He couldn't sleep. 

Which made sense it was a thousand degrees outside and with the uncomfortable feeling of the burning hot asphalt burning his thighs and the rocks digging into his ass sleep was practically impossible

He had tried to get a job, tried to scrounge up some money somehow, but every job he tried to get he didn't meet the qualifications because he couldn't put an address, he didn't have one, he couldn't put his phone number because he didn't have one

He had stayed with Taehyung for a while, but he felt like a burden, so he left, Taehyung had insisted him being there wasn't a problem, but Jimin felt it was

"uh excuse me"

Being pulled out of his thoughts he looked up to see the police officer who had arrested him weeks prior


Jimin sneered, this police officer, who ever he was, was annoyingly hot in his uniform and Jimin hated it

"I'm Min Yoongi, do you remember who I am?"

"how could I forget, you arrested me, dumbass"

"Yesh okay sorry, why are on the street? Where do you live?"

Jimin looked at him 'is he fucking serious'

"I live just around the corner, I'm just sitting here baking in the sun with rags for clothes for no reason"

"oh! okay good, I could walk you home if you like"

"Are you serious"

It was more of a statement than a question

"What??" Yoongi was still looming above him looking at him with that annoyingly cute gummy smile, and somehow Jimin softened, he knew the office- Yoongi- meant no harm he was just being a nice person, which isn't something you see from a stranger everyday

"I live on the streets" Jimin blushed, suddenly ashamed to admit it


Jimin looked up at him, Yoongi looked upset

"I'm sorry"

"eh not that big of a deal"

Yoongi sighed and grabbed his phone

"what are you doing?"

"taking the day off, where going to get coffee and then we're going shopping"

"why? you don't even know me"

"why don't we get to know each other then?"

~End of flashback hoes~

"of course I remember, it was, what 5 years ago tomorrow" Jimin started picking up all the stuff that had spilled from the box

"hey Jiminie whats that?"

Jimin looked where he was pointing

It was his bright green pacifier




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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2019 ⏰

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