TFW + 2 angels + demon = Chaos.

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Warning; this involves three angels crisscrossing so, leave if you don't like.


Sam growled, "Why don't we just see if the angels or Crowley will do it?!?" "Okay! Crowley! Cas!" Dean yelled, the two appearing, Crowley only appearing because he was bored and Cas because he was in love with Dean, obviously. "Gabriel!" Sam exclaimed, Gabe appeared with Balthazar, the first sucking a lollipop and the latter sipping some liquor, "what did ya' need, Sasquach?" Gabe asked, grinning. Dean sighed, "we need you three to crossdress." Castiel's face lit up.

Gabe chuckled, Balthazar only sighed, both of them snapping their fingers and now before then were three males looking cute as hell. Cas was wearing a light yellow dress, long black socks, light boot heels and a blue bow in his hair, he had light pink lipstick and mascara on. Castiel swirled around, giggling.

Gabe was wearing a black mini skirt, a red tank top, black tights and dark boots. Which ended with him, putting his hands on his hips and cat walking to the fridge. Balthazar a white dress, with a gold belt, black thigh high boots and a dark red handbag, he only sat down and sipped hiis liquor.

Sam watched Gabe carefully, smirking, "you three look really feminine." Dean chuckled, "Cas, why do you have make-up on? It's only for a case." Castiel teared up, "do I not look good?" "You look adorable, feathers." Crowley intervened before Dean could upset the Angel more.

Castiel smiled brightly, "thank you, Crowley." Balthazar chuckled, "you look really cute, Cassie." "Awe! You and Gabriel look amazing." With that Gabriel winked at his brothers.


Castiel was sat at the booth, watching Dean flirt with the waitress. He sighed, 'why doesn't he act like that towards me?' He thought to himself, before a guy came along and sat next to him, "Hey there, cutie, what's your name?" "Castiel, what is yours?" "I'm Cole, nice to meet ya', Cas." Castiel giggled, catching Dean's attention, only for his anger to flare as he glared at Cole. "Nice to meet you too, Cole." He smiled, tilting his head. "So, Cas, how's about I buy you a drink? I mean, unless you're with someone?" "I was with someone, but, he is too busy flirting with the waitress to even notice me..." "ah... Well. Hey bartender! Two beers this way please!" Cole yelled, before grinning at Cas.

They chatted for a while before Cole asked Castiel to dance, before Cas could reply, Dean dragged Cas away. "What the fuck, Cas?!" Dean asked, "what do you mean, Dean?" "Why were you flirting with another guy... Right in front of me!?" "You only did the same to me, plus we were only chatting. Since, the person who was supposed to be with me tonight, decided to ignore me and pretend I didn't exist, in favour of getting a woman's number!" Castiel said, furrowing his eyebrows. Dean growled, pushing the smaller male into a wall, "how dare you think I was ignoring you! Damn it, Cas! I'd drop everything if you wanted me to!" "Well, Dean! I lost nearly everything to be with you! And you didn't even notice! Sam, Balthazar and everyone dropped hints of it! Damnit, Dean! I love you! I've been in love with you, since I pulled you from perdition!" Cas yelled, crying. Dean froze, before chuckling and hugging the Angel, "I'm sorry, Angel... I didn't mean to upset you... Shh, my Angel, I'm sorry, come on, let's get out of here and get some burgers, I'll even get you some honey... It's okay, I love you too..." With that Destiel let the bar.


Balthazar sat drinking as much liquor as possible, as he watched Crowley flirt with people. He sighed, before getting up and walking out of the bar. Crowley watched the Angel leave, before going after him, "Balthazar?" He asked, following the Angel as he watched the blonde sit on a street bench, "what do you want, Crowley?" Balthazar replied, looking at the demon with a sad expression.

This shocked the king of hell for a second, before sighed and sat next to the Lord of the flies, "what's got you upset?" "... You flirting with other people, yet, not even noticing me." Crowley froze, he was speechless to say the least, looked the other male up and down, before picking him and putting him in his lap.

Crowley chuckled and nuzzled his Angel, "I'm sorry, Baltha... Didn't think you'd be upset, I didn't even notice ya' had feeling for me until now." Balthazar shook his head before snuggling up to his demon, "Crowley... I'm cold, can we go home please?" Balthy asked, quietly, Crowley chuckled. Before Crothazar of vanished to a much warmer place.


Sam chuckled as he watched Gabe drink a lot of beer. A now drunk Gabriel came stumbling over to him and leaned on him, Sam sighed, wrapping his arms around the smaller males waist, the Angel draped his arms on Sam's shoulders, smiling drunkly.

"I love you, Moose." "I love you too, Trickster." "No! I mean like I love you like a wife loves her husband!" With that, Sam blushed, his breathing hitched before he grinned and kissed Gabriel on lips,  he pulled away slowly, "I love you like a husband loves wife." "Do you love me more than salad?" "Yes." "Do you love me more than hunting?" "Of course." "Do you love me more than your hair?" "Definitely." Gabriel smiled, "Sammy, I love you more than candy and pranks." Sam chuckled, "shut up, you drunk idiot." "But, in your drunk idiot." "Sadly, that's true." Gabriel giggled, "Hey Sammy?" "Yeah Gabe?"

It took a while but Gabriel finally said, "kiss me?" "Of course, babe." With that Sabriel kissed and then vanished with only a sound of wings.

----the next day----

Destiel, Sabriel and Crothazar sighed, having listened to the news say another girl was found unrecognisable, naked and dead, with carvings left on her skin. 

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