Chapter One

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A/N-this is my first story, it has lots of errors and probably doesn't make any sense. I am trying my hardest to re-do all of it. I was in 7th grade when I wrote it...I'm in college now... 

"I pledge allegiance to the-" what the hell? Jackson is so stupid and he has his beanie on while we are saying the pledge of allegiance. Our school is pretty much like every other public school in the United States. We've got our cliques, football jocks, cheerleaders, all of the popular crowd. Jackson is part of the popular squad, with his blonde hair swished to the side, and piercing blue eyes. He really is super attractive, I have to admit that, but there's no way he'd give me any attention.

I turn around and look at Jackson,I give him a look. He gives me a look and I flick my eyes towards his beanie, which flops perfectly on his hair, and he rolls his perfect, blue eyes. He takes off his beanie and gives me a fake smile. I turn around, content with my work, and then a few seconds later I feel something on my head.

His beanie.

I suck in a breath and grab the beanie off my head and curl it into a ball, holding it tightly in my fist.

We finish the pledge of Allegiance and take our seats.

"Hey," Jackson says, crossing his arms, his daring, sexy eyes glaring at me.

I turn in around so I'm facing him, his body easily towers mine, but I don't falter, my eyes are easily at his chest.

"Yes Jackson?" I ask, smirking.

He points at my closed fist, "I want my beanie back." He grumbles...he put his hands on the desk around me, leaning in close and whispers firmly, "only my parents are allowed to call me Jackson." I swallow hard, my body going stiff from the closeness of his body.

"Jackson, what was that you said?"

He huffs, rolling his eyes and pulling away from me. "Can I please have my beanie?"

I laugh, who does he think he is? "No, I am taking this to the office so they can get rid of it right away. No need for disrespect Jackson."

He sighs and turns back to his friends, who all give him odd looks for talking to me. I get that a lot, not many people are particularly fond of me. It's okay though, because I have my one true friend. That's all I need.


"Oh, Mara, over here" I say, patting my seat next to me. Mara, my best friend since like the third grade, takes a seat next to me. She is so pretty, with black curls that flows down her back, and green eyes that sparkle when she talks. The lunch room is loud and big, the kids are yelling and food is flying around the room.

"So, I heard you and Jackson had a show in science today," she says, taking some green beans on her fork and wiggling it at me.

"I mean, I guess you could say that" I say rolling my eyes at her. She wiggles her eyebrows up and down.

Ever since the 6th grade when Jackson asked me out and Mara was behind me going all match-maker. Every time we bring up Jackson, Mara thinks that Jackson and I are going to grow up, get married, and have ten babies. But that's obviously not going to happen because Jackson would never date someone like me, he doesn't even like me.

"What are you thinking now, Cupid?" I take a bite of my sandwich and she giggles.

"Tomorrow he will ask you to Jason's party on Friday," she says, laying her hand on the table, splaying out her manicured fingers.

"I see, so, Jackson, is going to ask me out to Jason's party, huh? Never going to happen Mara," she can be so thick-headed sometimes.

Mara takes out her phone and after swiping for some time squeaks really loud. I turn my head to the side, trying to block the noise out.

"What is it now," I say, my eyes dropping to my untouched food.

Mara does the squeal again. "Project Runway?" I ask. She shakes her head. Oh shit, it could be something bad.

"There is a fortune teller today at the mall!" she reads off her phone.

I automatically shake my head. "No Mara I am not going with you."

She whines. "Why not?" She gives me big puppy eyes. It hasn't worked on me since we were kids, but I'm not gonna tell her that now.

"Fine!" I sigh, sometimes I just have to be a good friend and do what she wants.

"See you at 7:00!" She smiles at me.

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