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Reader key;

(Y/N) = Your name
(Game) = Insert game of your choice
(H/C) = Hair Color
(E/C) = Eye Color
(B/F) = Best friend name
(E/N) = Enemy's name
(R/B/N) = Random Boy name
(R/G/N) = Random Girl name
(H/T) = Hometown

Wildspartanz = Brandon
Kingani = Ani
BluesDank = Henry
Hoover = Hoover
Kwite = Tyler
Aksually = Aksel
FpsDiesel = Diesel
QuackityHQ = Alex/Alexis

Please correct me if I'm wrong on any of the names, usually I'm good with knowing youtubers' names but not this time obviously.
Anyway here is the prologue, you don't necessarily have to read it. Though it does give information before the story about the future setting of the story and the situation of the reader.

Btw this isn't a story where it's the reader x all possible suitors, it's solely a Brandon x reader. There isn't enough of stories for him that are x readers and I literally haven't see any chaptered books that aren't text stories.


A group of young adults have planned a trip to visit (H/T) for a little. It was going to be the next group's vacation. Luckily they knew someone they could stay with instead of paying for an expensive hotel. Not to mention they'd have more space move around in, since hotels tended to be small and cramped.
Ani was the first to arrive due to not having anything particularly to do the previous day. She decided to head there first to get everything settle and just meet everyone at the airport the next day. She was excited like the others, weeks before they called and discussed all the different places they wanted to go to in (H/T). They did have a few places in mind that were pretty popular.
Regardless, Ani couldn't hold in her excitement in for much longer. She settle in on of the spare rooms and got her phone ready to call the group she was going to spend time with. Brandon, Henry, Hoover, Diesel and Tyler.
Hearing someone at picked up, she looked at the icon in the video chat and saw that Henry had joined the chat.

"Hiii~!" Ani greeted her friend excitedly.

"Afternoon." Henry greeted back. "How's (H/T) so far?" He asked.

"Fine so far, I haven't done more or explored, but there are a lot of fast food places Brandon might like." Ani teased and heard someone join the call as well.

"Talking shit Ani?" Brandon spoke, hearing the bit of what she said.

"Oh shit, hi Brandon." Ani giggled at his reaction to her comment.

"Hi Ani." Brandon spoke, laughing as well.

The group spoke for awhile and eventually the others joined the call. The group discussed what they were doing at the moment and spoke about tomorrow.

"Oh I'm so excited for tomorrow!" Ani spoke enthusiastically. "But I gotta go, I'm gonna run out and get some food." She added.

Everyone said their goodbyes and Ani left the call. Then made her way outside of the house.


   (Y/N) sat in her fourth period class, her final class. There was about 30 minutes left, she tapped her pencil on her thick notebook as she waited for class to end. Especially since it was math, not that she minded that much. Just she didn't like the current lesson and wanted to go home right about now. Then again she felt this way every day in math. Usually it's worst during Mondays and Fridays.
Lucky for her, today is Monday. Which made the period go oh so slower than usual. Looking back at the clock, a minute just passed. 29 minutes left. Letting out a silent sigh.

(Y/N) had lived in (H/T) for her whole life, occasionally moving to different houses though they were never far from the last home they lived in. She knew this placed like the back of her hand. She knew very pathway, every shortcut, every food place and areas to just hangout.
Though she'd always wish she could move out of this place. Of course not everyone's life is great. Just, (Y/N) hated the memories of this place. Ever since she was little, about 4th grade. Her life has been awful, though it could have been worst than it was, regardless it was shit enough to keep her up at night.
It was over stupid stuff, her body had been fuller than the other girls and didn't have as many friends. Though her classmates crucified her all the way through elementary and middle school. Didn't even give her a break. She'd always hear them talking shit about her appearance, the things she was into and just everything. Nothing got physical luckily, yet all these words stuck with (Y/N) for awhile. She shouldn't have, it was stupid bullying that she should ignore. Was people would constantly say to her, yet, no matter how many times she tried. She just couldn't, it wasn't has easy as people said.

   Shaking her head and focusing back in class, she saw there was only 5 minutes left and begin packing up like her other classmates. Finally getting ready to leave to go home and nap all her stress away.
Hearing what the teacher announced last minute, she grew uninterested and looked at the clock. Hearing the bell ring and made her way out of the school building.
One more year after this and she was gone, probably move to another state away from this one. Or at least hours away from (H/T).


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