Lent 2019 | My 40 Days Without Meat - Week #1

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Word of introduction: I'm carnivorous. Very, very carnivorous. If I could choose between a diet of solely vegetables and a diet of solely meat, I'd choose the meat. Every single one of my favourite meals includes a fair share of meat (or even exclusively meat). I don't despise vegans and vegetarians, but I can't comprehend how anyone could willingly condemn themselves to such a fate 😬

That being said, I always did some king of fasting thing for the Lent (which was usually no sweets, and since I eat practically no sweets—I literally prefer meat—I always managed to do it) and this year, since I'm an adult now, I thought to try actually torturing myself during this time.

I think it'll actually make me appreciate Easter more.

Ash Wednesday 06.03.19
Day One

Ash Wednesday is a fast day anyway, so it's not like I felt much of a difference. Took hummus instead of meat on my sandwich.

Thursday 07.03.19
Day Two

My friend had bacon in her lunch today. I swear, that smell made me want to eat her.

Friday 08.03.19
Day Three

It's Friday, so it shouldn't bother me that I can't eat meat. It does. I wanted to order a vegetarian focaccia at the coffeehouse but they were all out :( Ended up eating a stupid salmon sub.

Saturday 09.03.19
Day Four

Today, I discovered what might be the best thing ever. Vege burgers. This stuff is freaking amazing. And when I put it inside an actual (ham)burger, I can almost pretend it's the real thing.

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