chapter 6 part one. Death at first sight?

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------Chapter 6----- part 1

Death at first site?


My life started flashing before my eyes. First I saw my mother's proud face when I was born, then her death two days later. This made me feel bad, she sacrificed herself for me. I miss her. Then I saw my father take me in my stroller to her funeral. My mum was a much loved person, by all who new her and even those who saw her walking down the streets. Then I saw myself at my first Christmas, then birthday. Then my second birthday, followed by my fathers tragic passing in a car accident. Then I found out about my sister that I'd never met in my life. I still hadn't. Then my sixteenth birthday, that was one of the best. We had a remembrance day, then my party, which we did my mother and father's favorite pass-time; ten pin bowling. Then to my last birthday, my big 18. Then what I'd just experienced. Just then I looked down and saw my tattered body being operated on. I was dead. This is what death was like. I saw my heart rate and pulse machine do a continuous bleep and no zig-zag green thingie. That was it. I saw the surgeons use the compressors on me, and looking through the blinds a distraught friend; Alanine. She was nice. I saw tears trickle down her eyes. Everything went like a black-hole. I was sucked away from my surrounding, my last view, the surgeons just looking away at my dead body.

____E.O.P 1_____

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