Chapter Fifteen: Weak

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I can't back down when they show me no respect.❞ ㅡ Kankurõ




                        A tense atmosphere filled the room, eating at his heart as anxiety slowly built up within his chest. Cold sweat had already formed on his forehead and was rolling down his neck, coating his skin with its thickness. His mouth had long since gone dry; his tongue felt like a dead muscle — with no strength left to move, not even to lick his dehydrated lips. He was throbbing in pain; however, the woman had yet to lay a finger on him.

She was unmoving, her intimidating form loomed over him like a predator. So cunning she was, and he was but a helpless mouse under her impassive stare, waiting for her to decide upon his fate.

With a click of her tongue, she lifted her spell off him and allowed him to fall on his knees, exhausted. Ragged breaths escaped him, pained howls followed afterwards. His lungs screamed in utter agony and he coughed, only to wince as they complained again.

She said nothing, but it was so evident she was pleased with the torment she had inflicted. Her features, masked by the darkness surrounding them, twitched ever so slightly every time spasms shook his weak body. Ultimately, he forced himself to glance into her piercing gaze.

He trembled, and she smirked.

Then, as if she was suddenly done with his laments, her wicked expression was erased from her face and her eyes narrowed into slits. 

Her voice was cold as ice as she spoke, "Your life belongs to me now, if only because you'd be dead meat had I not stepped in to heal your wounds." She paused, then spat, "Do not misunderstand my actions, however. You were allowed to live so that you'd fulfil your part of the deal. They wouldn't have been pleased otherwise, and I would have been the one to blame."

His throat felt like it was being pierced by countless needles, but he gulped down his complaints and gave a curt nod.

"I succeeded."

"Even weaklings are able to do something, at times," she retorted in distaste. "Thus why, I have decided to grant you a second chance to prove yourself. You will join me on a mission, do as told whether you like it or not, and I shall let you live."

A chill rolled down his spine, but there was no denying her orders. He had no clue as to what her intentions were, but he was certain said mission would be bloodied and full of traps.

Her lips stretched into a devious grin when he gave a short nod of agreement, and her orange eyes twinkled in mock concern.

"Do be careful. Your life is on the line."


With keen eyes, Rei surveyed the stage in which the teams who had successfully finished the second phase would fight. The Chūnin who had retrieved her stood in its middle, hand over his mouth as he unexpectedly yawned. On balconies placed at both sides of the stage, the Genin waited for their names to be called.

From her spot, Rei gave a thorough glance around in order to get a first impression of her adversaries. So far, every rookie from Konoha was present — not that the fact surprised her; she acknowledged their respective strengths, and they shouldn't be underestimated. But as she drifted her gaze to the balcony opposite to hers, her body tensed.

His aquamarine eyes stared her down, unblinking, causing her to frown.

"What is it?" Maki asked, confused.

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