Chapter Twenty Eight: Panic

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I'm not always annoying, sometimes I sleep too.❞ ㅡ Kotone




                                    Gusts of wind bounced over mountains and across the sky; leaden clouds cluttered it, creating a tempest above the wild landscape. No glimpse of the sun could be caught, and no sound could be heard within the forest that spread beneath the storm — everything remained still, as if fearing unfolding the wrath of a beast. Had the trees been weaker, they would have been ripped from the ground centuries ago; instead, they were completely still and naked, as their leaves had long since torn themselves away from their hold.

A feeling of gloom could be breathed in the air; a sensation of utter devastation would clench at the hearts of those who dared to set a foot into those lifeless, dull woods. However, not many approached that land nowadays — it was believed to be cursed, under a spell casted by the people who once lived within.

No grass painted the ground green. Crooked roots of trees had been knocked out from underneath due to the persistent, powerful blasts of the wind; thus, all paths had been erased and a beautifully-savage landscape had come to life.

In the distance, the sound of a waterfall broke through the crushing silence. Deep buried in the mountain that stood behind the high cascade, a woman had built her dwellings decades ago. No human soul could ever find that secret place on their own — they had to be shown the way in — and even if they did, they wouldn't be able to step inside.

A maze of carved corridors spread within, dark as the graves wherein a clan laid — all of which were located seven hundred meters underground. Holes in the walls led to more passages, yet some of them were covered by wooden doors, granting access to chambers of all kind.

Once the labyrinth was left behind, a tall building — carved in the very same wall — would come into sight. A seemingly-natural light flooded the place, and the salty scent of the ocean reached every of its nooks.

Konan walked out through the main entrance, not sparing a last glance at the place as she made her way to the maze and outside.

"You were going to leave without coming to see me?" a melodious voice called out. Lying on her favourite rock, a girl with long, blue hair was looking at her sulkily. "I feel offended."

Both females regarded one other for a fleeting moment, before Konan acknowledged her with her usual, monotone voice.

"I have no time to spare, Kotone."

Kotone huffed in annoyance.

"You're no fun," she complained. "Seriously, you should ask Pain for some days off. Have you ever thought about going on holidays? Heard the Land of Snow is quite charming around this time of the year — very snowy, you know."

Konan couldn't help sighing in exasperation. She didn't have the patience to amuse the fourteen-year-old girl that day, not after having spent two hours in a meeting with Lady Hiroko; that woman would drive the dead crazy.

"I'll be leaving now."

As she turned around to walk off, Kotone promptly jumped off the rock and landed on her feet.

"I heard you," she simply stated, "talking to granny."

Konan glanced at her from over her shoulder and replied, "I expected as much."

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