Chapter 1

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Ok so umm i guess I'll start with.... THE CHARACTERS!! Dun dun dun dunnnn! Yeah I know, I'm a dork.

Allilah:(al-eye-la) main character, dark and long brown hair, greenish eyes, servant

Kylily(Kai-lily) allilah's best friend, long light brown hair(shorter than allilah's), light blue eyes, princess

Actro(ack-troh) allilah's big brother, blonde hair and blue eyes, horse trainer

Mallo(mahl-oh) kylily's dad and king, dislikes servants, blonde hair, brown eyes

Trishy(trish-ee) evil witch with short, uncombed dirty blonde hair and purple eyes

Loralu(lore-al-oo) grumpy cook man, friends with kylily, allilah, and actro, black hair and moss green eyes.

Idk maybe I will put more characters in later... NOW ON WITH THIS!

(Allilah's POV)

As I ran through the rain, the droplets began to harden. Piercing my face and legs. I screamed her name again. And again. Soon, I couldn't even see my own hand. I fell to my knees. I couldn't go on.

"I've failed," I whispered.

"Allilah?" I jumped up. "Kylily! Where are you?!" I heard the sand grind. I spun around and stuck my hands out. "OW!" I hit her eye. "Sorry. It's kinda hard to see."

"Didn't you bring a lantern or something?!"

" Yeah but the candle went out." I felt her hand on my arm. " Let's go back to the castle."

When we FINALLY found the castle doors, Loralu was waiting for us. "Hurry! Mallo hasn't noticed that Kylily is gone yet. Take her throughout the sevants pass. Hurry! Or you're both dead!" Loralu pushed us into a dark passage. I knew this one very well. I skillfully leaded Kylily through the long (and confusing) passageway until I finally reached a door. I felt it. The sequins and sharp gems scratched my hand. I pushed open the door and we heard Mallo coming in. I pushed Kylily onto her bed and I hid in the passage. Kylily dove under the covers and pretended to be asleep. It was a few minutes until Mallo left. I came out of the passage and looked at the all-pink room. With Kylily being a princess, her Ifather insisted that everything for her was pink. She liked pink but we both thought it was overdone. I opened the closet and pulled out a beautiful nightgown. I placed it gently on the bed and went back into the passage. I had to run back to sevants corners for counting. I said a quick "Goodnight" to the princess and ran as hard as I could. I threw open the door to the 4th servants corner and jumped onto my bed. Whispers like "Late again" or "When will tshe learn" spread about the room. Mallo came in and counted us. When he came to me, he just glared. He hadn't liked that Kylily chose me for her special servant and everyone in the castle knew that. It was hard to get some friends with having the most nicest person in the castle be your best friend and trust you more than anyone AND be her servant. Some servants would KILL for this job. I'm just lucky. Plus I had a brother who survived. His name is Actro and, well, he's the perfect guy you could wish for. I'm lucky to have him. I really am. I smiled as I drifted off to sleep, wondering what tomorrow's crazy day will be like.

~Next day~

(Actro's POV)

I shoveled the hay in the horses stall. I had been doing this for two hours already but it was ok. If I didn't work, I wouldn't see my sister ever again. Or the princess. I thought about her for a bit, remembering her beautiful light brown hair and gentle eyes. Suddenly there was a loud THWAP! and as I spun around to see what had happened, King Mallo walked by. I bowed down low. He stepped on my back as if I were a stool. I cringed at the pain but as soon as he was gone, I jumped up and began shoveling again. What I would give for the king to like my family.

(Kylily's POV)

I woke up to shaking. Strong shaking and whispering. I opened my eyes. At first, all I could see was a black blob. Then, as my eyes focused, I saw green eyes framed by long, unkempt brown hair.

"Finally! Your father is going to kill me if you don't get ready for the special breakfast today," Allilah said. She studied me. "Hmm... this'll be hard to do in five minutes." My eyes went wide. If my hair was messy, I just HAD to fix it. I grabbed a mirror and examined myself. I looked perfect. I glared at Allilah, who was now laughing her head off. I sat up and watched as Allilah flung through my dresses. At last, she had found a dress that wasn't too much pink or too little. In a flash, she had me ready in my dress.

I was shoved out the door and down the stairs. She traveled in the passage right beneath the stairs so that she could hear remarks. I looked to see who was at the table. The duke, Loranzo, was there. The French king, Pierce, and queen, Evelyn, were there. So was the Spanish king, Rafael, and queen, Rosette, were there. And of course the talkative Spanish princess(brown eyes, brownish-blonde hair and a few

freckles)Crissan and the blue-eyed (and brown haired)Roussel. Crissan is 16 and Roussel is 14. It was occasional when I got to see them and they even knew Allilah! I think Roussel has a crush on her but I can't be sure. Days like this I get Actro off work and we all hangout. These days are the BEST! Plus, Crissan lends me her "a little pink" dresses that I can run around in. My thoughts were interrupted by a loud clap. That was my cue to curtesy. As I cursied, I saw Actro by the kitchen doors with a small smile on his face. He was pointing at it. Then I got it. I smiled and the girls got up and curtsied as well and then the men(and boy) got up and bowed. Actro gave me the thumbs up and I mouthed "Thank you" to him. He nodded then disappeared into the kitchen. "Alright now the children shall go to the ballroom for their breakfast while we talk," my father instructed. Allilah didn't come out. Uh-oh...

(Allilah's POV)

The door refused to move. I threw my weight against it. I kicked it. I pounded on it. It just wouldn't budge. I studied the door carefully then threw one last bang at it. The door flew open and I tumbled out. I jumped up and dusted myself off. I curtsied just then when I saw the kings and queens, the duke, prince, and princesses. I could feel Mallo glaring at me. "Rise," was all he said. As I rose up, there was clapping. From the foreign kings and queens, the duke, and everyone else. Everyone except Mallo. "Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!" Queen Evelyn exclaimed.

"Yes, yes! Truly remarkable!" Queen Rosette said. I was just as shocked as Mallo.

"You are a lucky king," King Pierce said to Mallo. "You have such a strong servant! And locking the door to have her bust through it to prove it was simply stupendous!" Lock the door?! Mallo didn't have the brains to come up with such an evil idea, and know where I would come from. But I know who did. And after breakfast, I was going to take her down.

(Roussel's POV)

I stared at Allilah. How could she knock down that door?! I mean I know she's strong but not this much! Right?

"Yes, yes that was exactly the plan! And her brother is even stronger! He's training to become a knight!" Mallo replied. Loralu came in with breakfast just as everyone calmed down. As soon as we had our breakfast, Allilah led us through the passage way. We all could tell she was angry. Kylily spoke up.

"That was cool Allilah, how you busted through the door and everything," she said. Allilah spun around. You could see the fire in her eyes..

"That was NOT on purpose. Your dad doesn't have the brains to something that evil AND know which passage way I come through. And I know who does. Is Actro here yet? I need him to cover for me."

We all looked confused. We stared at Allilah, waiting for her to go on. She sighed. "Look, I'll tell you guys later, ok? Just then Actro came in. He didn't look happy. "I know, I know," he said looking at Allilah. I swear they shared minds. She nodded and disappeared into the black tunnel. I couldn't help it. I dropped my tray and ran after her.

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