Return to the Prison

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At the very same time that Teron Gorefiend and his warriors finished conquering the outside region of Zangarmarsh, Mephistroth and Kargath have finally arrived at the gates of the dungeon fortress. Leading an elite group of demonic warriors, the forces of the Legion fiercely storm the gates down, and made their way inside. Aware of the unseen dangers around the shadowed dungeons, the forces of the Legion ready themselves for an ambush. Kargath instantly becomes enraged on seeing once more the dungeon cells where he and his brethren used to be imprisoned by Illidan and his forces.

Kargath: "Damned these cursed dungeons! I will never forget of how Illidan locked us within these cages, and made us prisoners in our own lands! Damn! I'll make sure that I would get my revenge!"

Mephistroth: "Let us find that Shadowkeys in this dungeon quickly. It is crucial that we claim it."

Knowing that the draenei wardens lurk around every corner within the dungeons, Mephistroth and Kargath made it sure to assemble the best demon warriors they have, which consist of bloodfiends, hellhounds, eredar diabolists and voidwalkers. The forces of the Legion search every corner within the prison dungeons, fighting against various groups of draenei warriors, consisting of vindicators, stalkers, harbingers, and seers, which they encounter on different areas of the dungeon on both the former cell divisions for the demons and the fel orcs. Fighting every group of draenei warriors they encounter, Mephistroth and Kargath lead their warriors towards the innermost area of the dungeon.

Kargath: "These draenei mongrels are pathetic! I'll make sure they pay dearly for locking us here!"

Eventually reaching the deepest area of the dungeon, the forces of the Legion come across the last group of draenei that stands at the gate outside of the innermost chamber. Amongst the last group of the draenei warriors is none other than the Elder Sage Akama himself. The warriors of Akama are composed of vindicators and seers. Upon finally meeting one another, the two opposing groups ready themselves for a battle. Mephistroth and Kargath set forth, and begin to speak with Akama.

Akama: "Bladefist! So you return in these halls again, and I see you had brought a new friend here with you! Tell me something, you savage beasts! Did you missed being imprisoned in your cages?"

Kargath: "Akama! I will chop your tongue out, draenei! I will make sure that we get our vengeance upon all of you for locking us in here! You will suffer dearly before I give you your painful death!"

Mephistroth: "We came here for the Shadowkeys, Akama. You would do well to surrender it now."

Akama: "And who are you supposed to be, dreadlord? Another pathetic demon of the Legion?"

Mephistroth: "Be careful who you speak with, draenei! I could easily kill you and your lackeys if I want to right away! I am Mephistroth! I am one among the others sent by Lord Kil'jaeden in here to destroy all of you, and reclaim Outland for the Legion! You and you master, Illidan, are soon to fall, Akama. You may as well give us the Shadowkeys to the Black Citadel! Don't waste our time!"

Akama: "You will have to defeat us for it, demon! I would like to see you all try and take it then!"

Kargath: "As ever, you draenei are a bunch of stubborn bastards! We should have finished you all down to your extinction long ago! No matter, we will take those damned keys one way or another!"

WARCRAFT IV -- CHAPTER 1 - Rise of the Flames (Demon Campaign)Where stories live. Discover now